creating catalog for a target database in simple steps

14 Nov

Catalog creation for rman in simple steps…

Red: target    Green: catalog    Brown: Query or command

  1. Start the target and client databases.
  2. Start listener in target
  3. Once ping the listener with catalog database.
  4. Create a password file in ORACLE_HOME/dbs like this
    $cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
    $orapwd file=orapwsid password=admin force=y
  5. Create tablespace in catalog database.
    sql> create tablespace rmant datafile ‘/ora1/sandy/datafile/rmant01.dbf’ size 20m autoextend on;
  6. Create user rmanu with default tablespace rmant.
    sql> create user rmanu identified by rmanu default tablespace rmant;
  7. Grant permissions of the following privileges
    sql>grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rmanu;
  8. Connect to catalog database from operating system
    $rman catalog rmanu/rmanu@catalog
    You will connect to rman utility.
    Now, create the catalog like this
    Rman>create catalog;
  9. Create catalog command creates 90 tables. Once check them.
    $sqlplus rmanu/rmanu
    sql>select * from tab;
    You can find 90 tables.
  10. Now, connect to target database using catalog.
    $rman catalog rmanu/rmanu target sys/admin@tnsname
    tnsname = It is tnsname given in the file tnsnames.ora
  11. Now, you will be entering into rman prompt.
    There you have to register database.
    Rman>Register database;

Now, u can use rman for your backups, restores, recoveries.

Commands you can use in RMAN:

BACKUP:     Back up database files, archive logs, backups, or copies.

CHANGE:     Update the status of a backup in the RMAN repository.

CONFIGURE:  Persistent RMAN settings.

CONNECT:    Connect to a recovery catalog or auxiliary database

CROSSCHECK: Check whether backup items still exist.

DELETE:     Delete backups from disk or tape

EXIT:       Exit the RMAN console

LIST:       List backups and copies

RECOVER:    Apply redo logs or incremental backups to a restored backup set (or copy) in order to update it to                      a specified time.

REPORT:    Report backup status: database, files, backups

RESTORE:    Restore files from an RMAN backup (or copy)

RUN:        Some RMAN commands are only valid inside a RUN block.

SET:        Settings for the current RMAN session.

SHOW:       Display the current configuration

SHUTDOWN:   Shutdown the database

SQL:        Execute a PL/SQL procedure or SQL statement(not SELECT)

STARTUP:    Startup the database

ADVISE FAILURE:  Display repair options (11g Data Recovery Advisor)

REPAIR FAILURE:  Repair database failures (11g Data Recovery Advisor)

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Posted by on November 14, 2011 in New topics



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