The Liebster Award

Over the weekend I was blown away when I got an email from a new follower awarding me the Liebster Award!!! Thank you SO MUCH Ravenously Disappearing Woman.  I’m SO excited!!!

I’ve never been given a blog award.  So bear with me as I fumble through this.

Like all blogging awards, it comes with a few rules, and here they are:

The Rules:

(1) Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog

(2) You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.

(3) Nominate 10 of your favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination. (I’ll be honest and tell you I’m breaking the rules!  I don’t have 10…  I’m sorry.  Do I have to go to blogger jail?)

(4) Come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

Here are the wonderful questions that RDW asked me:

1. What’s something about yourself that you’re most proud of?

Well, there are many things that I’m really proud of.  I’m proud of the babies that God gave me.  They are truly my pride and joy.

But… if this is personal and just about ME…  Well, I’m most proud of the 45 pound that I’ve lost in the past two years and KEEPING it off.  I’m proud of the person, INSIDE and OUT, that I worked hard to transform myself into.  It was a long, sometimes challenging road, but I DID IT!!

2. If you had to spend a year in one place, where would that place be and why?

I think I’d love to go spend a year traveling in Europe.  I’ve never been and would love the chance to just go and roam all over the country without an agenda or time constraint.

3. What’s your most embarrassing moment?

So, I’ve given this one lots of thought and I, honestly, can’t come up with a good one.  I have lots of really personal moments that I can’t share that are/were embarrassing.  I’m certain there’s a really good story floating out there somewhere that I’m blocked from my memory.  I apologize, but I’ll have to let you down on this one.

4. My guilty pleasure is watching trash TV, what’s yours?

Oh, I LOVE some of the trash TV.  I try really hard not to watch too much of it because it really is TRASH, but….  I can’t go without watching my Real Housewives of New Jersey, Orange County, and Beverly Hills.  The B.H. gals are, by far, my favorite.  I always say that watching these insanely wealthy women go through as much drama and nonsense as they do makes me feel pretty good about my “simple” life.

5. What teacher had the most impact on you in school and why?

My high school Anatomy/Physiology teacher, Miss Robinson or Miss “R”, had to be one of the greatest teachers.  There was no doubt that her class was TOUGH, but she was always encouraging us to learn more and be better.  Her catch phrase every Friday was “Be Safe.  Be Legal and come back to me on Monday!”

6. What was your favorite vacation ever?

When I was about 13 we took an extended family vacation to the remote mountains of Colorado with my dad’s family.  It was spectacular!  We stayed in a rustic cabin owned my mother’s step-mother’s family (get that connection? LOL!)  There was no electricity so all the light came from kerosene lamps hung from the walls.  No television, no phone and no music for a week.  Even for a 13-year-old it was heaven.  We hiked, fished, cooked fabulous food and enjoyed each others company.

7. What book or movie is your life most like?

I don’t know that there’s a book or movie that my life is most like, but I can definitely relate to a few television shows.  I love the crazy relationships in Modern Family and Parenthood.  I think that both of those shows put a fun twist of the reality of life and all the insanity that the daily grind brings.

8. Who or what is the main inspiration for your blog posts?

My “crazy” life.  I started this blog because I wanted to share my country style life with the world and those who don’t get to experience the world of cowboys, horses and cattle.  After a while, I realized that my blog became more about the funny stories of my children, my love of photography and passion for good food, and more recently, my passion for good HEALTHY food.

9. Have you ever made a prank phone call?  Tell me about it!

Oh, mercy.  I’m certain I made my fair share of prank calls in my youth at various slumber parties, but I don’t remember any specific one.  I was the kid who was scared to death to get in trouble, but LOVED to watch everyone else do it.

10. What’s the funniest You Tube clip you’ve ever watched?  Can you share it?

I know I watched it for the first time on YouTube, but it was an actual commercial.  Several years ago K-Mart made a commercial called “Ship My Pants”.  I have NEVER laughed so hard at a commercial as I did that one.  I actually watched it at work with co-workers and we were all rolling.  I saved the link for my “bad days” when I needed a good laugh. If you haven’t seen it here you go.  Ship My Pants

Here are the questions for my winners:

  1. When you die what’s the ONE thing you hope you’re remembered for?
  2. Are you doing what you thought you’d be doing 15 years ago?
  3. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
  4. What’s the most interesting place you have ever lived?
  5. What’s your favorite book and why?
  6. Are you a “relax on the beach bum” or “big, crazy adventurer”?
  7. What inspires you?
  8. When you’re having a bad day what do you do to get out of the funk?
  9. I can’t leave the house without….
  10. Do you watch the Olympics or not?

…and here are my winners:


Main St. Cuisine

Scout Smith Scoop

The Mommy Stylist

The Rusted Chain

Thank you again, to The Ravenously Disappearing Woman!  I think you rock and your story is INSPRING!!!

Peace, love and honors!

1 thought on “The Liebster Award

  1. Oh, you’re answers are so wonderful! Congrats on your 45lb. weight loss! I’d love to spend a year in Europe, too!. And you’re a fellow trash TV aficionado! Woo hoo! (My husband watched The Real Housewives of NJ for a while, but I’ll bet he’d never share that with his buddies! :)) Your Colorado vacation sounds magical–like Little House on the Prairie almost! I, too, love the Ship my Pants commercial! I actually discovered it a few days before Christmas–like a little gift from YouTube! Thank you so much for participating and for your kind words. Have a wonderful day! 🙂

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