Showing Repeating Tasks in Your Bullet Journal

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Showing repeating tasks in your bullet journal.jpg

Day 7 of the January #planwithmechallenge on Instagram called for participants to share their ideas for showing repeating tasks in their planners.  At that point I’d recently started using Post-It flags to show this type of task in my Bullet Journal.  Having tried it with a couple of tasks for a week, I looked back through my journal to see which tasks I was writing down on a daily basis that weren’t on the current month’s habit tracker.

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I wrote each of these tasks on a Post-It flag (US, UK) using the folllowing colour code:

Pink – Food

Green – Home

Yellow – Online

Orange – Work

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I then wrote out the tasks as a collection in my pink, lined A5 Daycraft Bullet Journal (US, UK) so that I would have a place to store the flags after I had completed a task or when they weren’t being used, and also so that I could see if I’d ever managed to lose a flag.

So far this method has worked really well for a variety of reasons.

  • I don’t forget regular tasks – a quick glance at the collection of flags each evening as I plan out the following day enables me to spot the jobs that need doing on any given day.
  • Planning the next day is much quicker as I only have to move a flag rather than write out a task.
  • The flags pop out on the page so I can’t avoid them!
  • I’m saving space in my bullet journal so my notebook will last longer.  I used to use up almost a page for each day but, since many of my tasks are now on the flags and are moved back to the collection as soon as the task is completed, I’m now only using half of a page.
  • My stress levels have droppped, I no longer feel like I’m cramming so much in to every day.  When I look back across the list of tasks at the end of the day there isn’t so much to look at so it seems like I’ve done less even though I know all of the tasks on flags are completed as the flags are no longer there.

At the moment this collection is on page 128 of my Bullet Journal and is marked with a big pink paperclip to help me navigate to it.  I’ve already decided that when I migrate to my new journal, which I think will be around the end of February judging by my current consumption of pages, I’m going to put this collection inside the back page so that I can find it more easily.

What tasks do you write over and over again? Do you have a method that helps you to complete regular tasks?

6 thoughts on “Showing Repeating Tasks in Your Bullet Journal

  1. Pingback: My Bullet Journal Journey: The First Three Months | Keeps Me Out Of Mischief!

  2. Pingback: Bullet Journal Daily Layouts | Keeps Me Out Of Mischief!

  3. Pingback: My Blog Bullet Journal | Keeps Me Out Of Mischief!

  4. Pingback: My Bullet Journal Journey: The First Year | Keeps Me Out Of Mischief!

  5. Pingback: 31 Bullet Journal Ideas That Are Borderline Genius - Bestoka Best DIY Projects

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