A Big Thank-You

WordPress informs me that I now have 50 people following the blog. That is fantastic! I know there are more who use google reader and such but this still felt like a good time to thank you all.

I’m writing this blog because I want to work my way through the whole Bible. Not because I want to have a ton of followers or snag a book deal from it (though I am writing an eBook. Stay tuned!). I just want to do it.

And the fact that so many of you read along and contribute makes it a much more enjoyable experience.

You encourage me.

You keep me going.

You give me great things to think about.

So thank you. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for sharing, and for generally being awesome.

I know there are a lot of you out there, leave a comment and say Hi. If you have a blog, go ahead and put down the link to your favorite post. I’ll stop by and leave a comment!

Have a great weekend!

16 responses

  1. Just thought I would leave a quick comment letting you know that I enjoy your posts as well and am not counted among the 50 if Google Reader users are not included. I would guess there are many more like me!

    Thanks for sharing and for all of your good work!

  2. Hi, I’m Rebecka! I’ve been reading your blog since the end of Deuteronomy and I love it. I don’t have a blog of my own, so there is nothing for you to comment on, I’m afraid 😉

  3. Hi! I’m not sure if that count includes those reading off the RSS feed as I myself am. I continue to love your large-scale view of the themes and overall messages of the Old Testament.

    • Man, I think I left a comment at Big Bible over a year ago. It was one of the first times I promoted the blog. I have a couple of friends from across the pond now!

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