OM @ Il motore

Robert Lowe and Al Cisneros

“Om is a duo formed in 2003 by the rhythm section of the disbanded Stoner doom metal band Sleep. The band’s first three albums feature Al Cisneros on vocals and bass and Chris Hakius on drums. Their music is similar in structure to Tibetan and Byzantine chant.” -Wikipedia

On Monday, November 19th 2012, OM played a show at Il Motore, Montreal. They were joined by Montrealois pseudo-psychedelic band Maica Mia and folk singer Daniel Higgs.

I have been listening to a lot of OM in the past few months and was already in love with them. But when the chords were struck and the amp next to me rang of that sweet drone of bass, I was thrown back, literally. Bassist Al Cisneros had absolute control of his bass, burying us deep in the dunes of heavy, doomish waves. Drummer Amos was also good, but Keyboardist Robert Lowe just surprised me with his performance. Props to Al for taking something so vital to the sound of Sleep and making such grand albums from it. Several times, their music reminds me of my time in Sikkim, near Monastries, where death would ring in day wide drones of long hypnotizing horn, that many even find unsettling.

Maica Mia
Maica Mia: Good post-rock/ almost drone rock. Could do with some variety in drumming. Female vocalist has a good smile and a great voice.

Higgs, Daniel Higgs.
Daniel Higgs: Folk singer with world music touch. Liked his performance in a different light. I highly doubt if he practised or played any song whose end he was sure about. I think he pulled a “Higgs Boson” joke, although couldn’t be sure whether he was making a religion joke.

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