Vendor Review: Sonia’s Henna Art

You might recall how excited I was to find a mehendi person for our wedding – I love mehendi so I wanted it to be nice. I’m not sure where to start with this review so I’m going to cut straight into it:

I was disappointed with Sonia.

About 2 weeks before my wedding, I received a message from a previous client of Sonia warning me not to use her. The clients experience was not good because Sonia was late and had rushed the bride and her family. After hearing that, I was a little nervous but thought I’d give her a try anyway. We had another lady coming to do Mehendi for my family, so the worst case scenario would be to rely on the backup person.

The day before my Mehendi, Sonia was scheduled to be at my house for 7pm – this gave me enough time to get home from my nail appointment, change my clothes and eat. However, as I walked in the door at 6:30pm, we received a call that Sonia was here. I thought, wow… a desi person, who’s EARLY? That’s awesome! When Sonia entered, she thought my appointment was scheduled for 6pm and that she was late – not a good sign if my appointment been for 6pm. Anyway, I told her I’d be about 15-20 minutes as I needed to change. As soon as I said this, she asked if I could be ready in 10 minutes since she needed to get back home. Ummm… what?! A little annoyed, I let it go because she seemed somewhat flustered.

I changed super fast, didn’t bother eating and rushed to get started with the mehendi. I’d rather that she take her time than charge through our mehendi session. I sat down, told her the style I wanted (not heavy and very bareek/traditional mehendi) and we got on our way.

For about 2 seconds, that is.

Almost as soon as we started, she received a call from one of her friends. Without getting too negative this is what happened: The entire time Sonia did my first hand, she kept getting calls – she would swear at receiving the call, ATTEND the call, hang up and then apologize to me. This happened 3 or 4 times and it was really distracting.

When she finished my hand, I told her I didn’t like it and that it wasn’t what I had asked for. She started apologizing and telling me that she doesn’t like it either and that she ruined my hand. She even went on to say that if people ask, I shouldn’t give out her name – she might have been joking about that. I must have looked upset because she said something along the lines of: “You’re not going to cry, are you?” Apparently, another bride had cried because she didn’t like her mehendi design.

As she started my second hand, the mehendi artist for my family came in. Once Sonia saw the second mehendi artist, she started getting visibly nervous. She kept saying that the other lady is “so good” and “so much better” and that I should have just gotten it done from her instead.

Definitely not something a client wants to hear!

Long story short, she ended up only doing the insides of my hand and I got the outside done by the second mehendi person. As she was leaving, she said she got nervous because of the second mehendi person and that’s why she couldn’t do a good job.

Below are the major setbacks:

  • Lack of Professionalism: Attending personal phone calls and swearing around your clients is just not acceptable.
  • Disregard for Time: In my case, Sonia was early but that was a fluke; she had thought she was late. Similar thing happened to the blog reader who messaged me – coincidence? I hope so. In addition, if you have booked an appointment with someone, the last thing they want to hear is that you need to leave soon
  • Inability to Follow Client’s Request: I might be an isolated incident but I felt as if I wasn’t heard. Maybe it was because she was distracted/nervous, but she had a hard time delivering the type of design I wanted
  • Colour: Bluntly put, the colour of Sonia’s mehendi was bad. Since Sonia doesn’t make her own mehendi (which she tells everyone upfront), she relies on someone else to supply them to her. I have seen the mehendi of the supplier on numerous people (including myself) and it is always very light. Sonia told me that if I take care of my hands (she gave me instructions), that the colour would come… but it didn’t.

As an aside note, I did think that the “party” mehendi she applied was okay. The designs weren’t the greatest – they were pretty average – but definitely nothing that warrants a negative review.

The first hand – Nice design but completely not what I had asked for

Second hand

“Party” Mehendi Design – the hand on the left, palm facing you, is by Sonia.

Overall, I was disappointed with Sonia because she didn’t give me what I wanted and lacked professionalism. I did think her design was nice, just not what I had asked. Based on my experience, I would not recommend her. Sonia does have potential but there is alot of room for improvement. She has a long way to go if she wants to excel in this competitive industry.

About Shaza's Scrapbook

My name is Shaza and I'm a twenty something year old who's passionate about FOOD and Weddings! View all posts by Shaza's Scrapbook

7 responses to “Vendor Review: Sonia’s Henna Art

  • Jowayria

    Hey, so sorry to hear about ur mendi lady, that sucks! I had heard of a mendi artist via word of mouth n have been for a trial and she was so lovely (yet to see results for bridal in a few weeks) perhaps for the future u could ask for a sample pattern?
    Anyway hope married life is going well, I am super nervous about my wedding in sept, have yet to pack my things….procrastinating so far.

    • Shaza's Scrapbook

      Hi Jowayria,
      Yeah, I think we’ll do a trial for my sisters wedding. Definitely won’t be going with Sonia after my experience!
      Thanks – Alhamdulilah, it’s going great! Aww your day is coming up so quickly – it’ll be gone really fast so enjoy every moment. Wishing you all the best 🙂

      ~ Shaza ~

  • ni khan

    That’s unfortunate, I’m surprised you managed to sit through a second hand. At least you had a backup! Also, Is that the style nowadays i.e. not to get your whole hand down, just a strip across the hand?

    • Shaza's Scrapbook

      I didn’t get the basic “bail” (strip) – I had full hands on the inside (first 2 pictures are of my hand) and thick bail on the outside – it covered my hand sparingly. Most of my family got the bail – some had it more fuller than others.

      ~ Shaza ~

  • Hibah

    I got my mehendi done from my makeup artist, her names ambreen javaid and her company is called links bridal, I got both my nikkah nd shaadi mehendi done with her, I was soooo happy! She is son talented, and so patient. She has 4 kids and a new born daughter but she sat with me until late into the night while I was in my pjs, offered me water, helped me with my coat and was so friendly, I had good conversation with her which reall helps with nerves, I would totally recommend her for ghazal! I got my feet done by her and I liked it so much I took all kids of pics!

  • Hibah

    Horrible typing! Ugh, iPad and auto correct!

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