Cherry Blossom Drama

Remember, it is NOT okay to pick these cherry blossom branches.  Nobody cares that you are planning the most romantic Valentine’s Day ever for your significant other by trying to recreate the opening sequence from Samurai Shodown in your bedroom.  Please respect the amazing cherry blossom clip art that was created specially for this informative sign.

There are better ways to get cherry blossoms, folks, and it’s not from these embattled trees on 19th Street @ York.

7 Responses to “Cherry Blossom Drama”

  1. Jim says:

    I’m no orthanographer, but I think those are plum trees, being so early in the year….

  2. vatagenic says:

    <3 the SNK reference. Haohmaru would be proud, but wasn't Ukyo the one who always got the ladies?

  3. Definitely ornamental plum!!!
    Cherry blossoms come after Valentines

  4. beer glasses says:

    those are Prunus ‘Blireiana’…ornamental flowering plum…pink flowers = Blireiana, white flowered form is P.’Thundercloud’

    and now you know

  5. one says:

    like, whatev, don’t pick the fucking trees.