"Street Art" Submission Leads To Semantic Debate Over The Word "Fuck"

Jscinsf submitted this shot from Bryant & 18th:

Over which the following email exchange quickly transpired:


Thanks, but that doesn’t even make sense. How do you return a fuck after your done “renting” it? Rentals generally refer to goods, not services. Unless “fuck” refers to a douchey person whom one might call a “fuck” (it’s a stretch), but why would you want to rent one of those? You can just go to the Marina and hang out for a couple of hours and get it gratis. This street artist clearly did not think this through.


Ever hear of prostitution?


If you’re not gonna give a fuck, you’re not gonna get a fuck, so why not just rent a fuck?  That’s my stance.

For more on “fuck”, there was a documentary film that came out a few years ago that covers the subject quite well.

There, that should settle the question as to whether or not what we do is journalism.

While we’re on the subject of street art, it might interest you that we were contacted by a notable men’s magazine about publicizing their video profile on Dickchicken. We unanimously declined; I think we’ve done enough for Dickchicken. We watched it and he’s a dick. I won’t link it but you can probably find it by googling a magazine that rhymes with “Greyboy”.

8 Responses to “"Street Art" Submission Leads To Semantic Debate Over The Word "Fuck"”

  1. kwk says:

    There’s a live recording of one of Flipper’s shows (Flipper being a Mission band way back when, played at long gone places like Target Video, Valencia Tool and Die, probably Deaf Club) where an audience member yells “Eat My Fuck” and Bruce asks over the mike, “What does ‘Eat My Fuck’ mean?”

  2. Ariel Dovas says:

    I wanna talk about swears too!

  3. johnny0 says:

    Maybe now that Valencia Interiors closed we can get Valencia Tool & Die back.

    Weird to think that basement used to be a live venue. And even weirder: “Tommy Tutone spent several days at Tool & Die in 1982 rehearsing and refining their hit song 867-5309/Jenny shortly before they recorded it.”

  4. [...] cool kids over at Mission Mission have been having a semantic discussion over a word that I don’t think I can actually write here, but is well worth the [...]

  5. [...] simpáticos muchachos de Mission Mission han estado teniendo un debate semántico sobre una palabra que no creo que pueda escribir aquí, pero que vale la pena [...]

  6. C. says:

    This is Chris Daly’s truck. It’s for his start-up business, leveraging his core competencies, for when his term expires later this year.