I’ve known Mike for about 15 years and would thoroughly endorse his work – his new book helps to bring together the wider context, building services options, construction management, commissioning and operational practices all in one place!

Mike and I first met working together on the pioneering FIT Buildings Network project, in the mid to late 1990s, developing innovative new concepts such project E-COs (environmental coordinators) and continuous commissioning. I was working at ABS consulting at the time and Mike was the Environmental Manager at Unison – we’re both pleased to see these types of concepts more mainstream in the industry now, but there’s so much more work that needs to be done.

Mike and I are hoping to collaborate on a future book together.

“Delivering Sustainable Buildings” has been published by Wiley-Blackwell.

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What they say about us

“One pioneering method is the energy management toolkit, utilising energy management through people rather than just the conventional elements of behavioural change. This has been developed by James Brittain from the Discovery Mill. I certainly endorse this approach and have adopted this method in all of the training that I have undertaken on energy management and wider carbon initiatives.”

Mike Malina, ‘Delivering Sustainable Buildings’, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.


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