Random acts of kindness

I try to perform one random act of kindness each day.

I don’t generally talk about them, but I thought I’d share yesterday’s with you because it made me smile and I’m still smiling about it. Hopefully it will make you smile too.

On my way to pick up Bubba from daycare I stopped to buy a loaf of bread. The bakery offers tastings of their various breads and cakes by cutting them into small pieces which are then showcased on top of the counter.

As I was standing there, a little old man came up to the counter. It was really cold and raining in Sydney yesterday. The man was thin, wearing a t-shirt, shorts and shoes that have seen better days. His belongings were being carried in a plastic supermarket carry bag – which had also seen better days.

The man asked the bakery assistant for a napkin, then took one piece of the product on offer – Christmas fruit mince pies (a recipe for super special ones here).

The man took a seat close by and made that morsel of a pie last three bites. And he enjoyed each and every one of those bites.

I added a box of 6 fruit mince pies to my order of a loaf of bread and walked over to where the man was sitting. I told him that he seemed to enjoy the piece of mince pie so much that I thought he might enjoy some more. His face went from that of an old man, to that of a young boy – it lit up from the inside.

A good Christmas fruit mince pie will do that for a person!

Speaking of kindness, I received 2 awards today – wow! I’ll write more about them in the next couple of days, but wanted to say thanks to my friend Bassa for my Kreativ Blogger Award and thanks to my new blog buddies over at Misty Shores Chesapeakes – yep, more gorgeous dogs for me to love – for my second Liebster.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Bongo says:

    I love that you were willing to do that for that man. Most people wouldn’t and I bet he remembers it for a long time.

  2. Bassas Blog says:

    It was a lovely thing to do. Reading this made me feel happy.

  3. You are very welcome!

    I love that you made that gentleman feel so good and it did make me smile too, I could almost picture him sitting there beaming at you!

  4. Jodi Stone says:

    That was really nice! I need to start incorporating a random act of kindness into my life. Very very sweet.

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