A word of encouragement from a sojourner for Truth

What We Need today

I Samuel 3:19 And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.  

What we need today
In Samuel’s day God had given no open vision. Physically Eli’s blindness symbolically represented the spiritual drought in the land. Yet some were open to the voice of the Lord. Samuel as a young boy heard the voice of God. Today we  need more Samuels. Young  People God is calling you. will You answer the call?  We need older  people like Simeon and Anna who heard Gods voice in their 80’s. Life too often gets caught up in busyness or is cumbered by recreation. There is nothing wrong with being busy or recreation. However when anything supplants the voice of God and the work;  its plainly wrong. Two things of import can gleaned from this passage and in Samuel’s life. First the Lord was with Samuel. That does not mean that God was on Samuels side but that Samuel humbly walked with God. As a result Samuel did not fail as a prophet of truth. His word did not fail. Samuel was not afraid to speak against King Saul spiritually and politically. Today we need people who walk w ith God and are not afraid to speak out . Politically and Spiritually America needs Samuels who listen to Gods voice. We need people to speak the truth Politically and Spiritually. Will you be a Samuel? will you speak Truth ?

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