Has Consumer Advisory Solutions offered to claim on your behalf?

Cold caller Consumer Advisory Solutions is offering timeshare consumers to claim on their behalf using the Consumer Credit Act.

Consumer Advisory Solutions has also a website with information on the consumer credit act www.section75.net

This website was registered on the 30th of March 2012 although the agent calling assures the consumer they have been doing this for the past year and also on the website there is a mention on the amount of consumers already satisfied with their services.

Consumer Advisory Solutions does not provide a phone number on the web but you can ask for a call back.

We do have the phone numbers which are all  UK numbers  01244 470 131 , 0207060 6042  &  01243 828 330

The agent from Consumer Advisory Solutions does explain the consumer they are based in Tenerife.

For the service they offer there is a charge which seem to depending on how much they calculate the claim, but for a claim of around £14000 they ask £600

This charge does guarantee the consumer the claim will be resolved in 3 months if not the fee will be refunded.

Sounds all good to be true, and there are a couple of questions we have about this company.

First of all, they cold call, which brings us back to the ongoing question where did they obtain the personal details?

Secondly, the website from Consumer Advisory Solutions  does not provide any company information, no registration number, no address, no privacy policy, nothing

And last but not least the upfront fee. We do understand that a lot of people might prefer to pay a company in order to get the paperwork done and no headache or hassle. But it is certainly not the case that a refund will be resolved quicker because you use a company, or that a denied refund would not have been denied if it was done by Consumer Advisory Solutions or any other company.

Claiming under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 Section 75 is regulated by certain guidelines i.e. the payment must have been done by credit card and there are 6 years to claim from the date this financial transaction took place. The consumers’ needs though to proof he was mis-represented or a breach of contract has taken place.

If a consumer reunites these conditions, they can easily do this claim for themselves and there is no need to involve a company for doing this.

We receive daily emails from consumers who have claimed under the Consumer Credit Act after asking us for advice, and we can assure you it has NOT taken years and indeed a couple of months, all depending on the bank and the reasons for the refund claim.

Have you been cold called by Consumer Advisory Solutions from 01244470131 02070606042  or  01243828330 ?

Please let us know. You can place a comment on the blog or send a direct email to customercare@mindtimeshare.com

About mindtimeshare

Mindtimeshare SLU is registered Company reg number: B35957182 Mindtimeshare provides assistance to timeshare owners who have been defrauded by holiday clubs and bogus resale companies. The Mindtimeshare project was launched in February 2011. After dealing with timeshare members over several years who had been defrauded by numerous bogus companies and for large amounts of money, I considered launching an Organisation to help timeshare owners that have been targeted by bogus companies. On this blog you can find information about the different active scam companies and their “modus operandi” and also place comments, ask questions and see comments from other consumers who have the same doubts or have been through the same experience. Mindtimeshare has resulted in a huge success and has received the back up from not only timeshare consumers but also from the professionals in the timeshare Industry. Mindtimeshare helps timeshare owners who have been scammed by bogus Discount Holiday Clubs; bogus cash back companies; fraudulent timeshare resale companies; bogus class action companies and false lawyers and notaries. We offer professional answers and advice to Timeshare users. If you want to send an email instead of posting a comment on the blog please do so by emailing: customercare@mindtimeshare.com
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20 Responses to Has Consumer Advisory Solutions offered to claim on your behalf?

  1. JOHN says:

    We were cold called by Consumer Advisory Solutions. They offered to claim money back that we paid to a company called Incentive Leisure. THEY DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR US BUT TAKE ANOTHER 699 POUNDS. We are now in the process of claiming our money back from them.

  2. Sarah says:

    Cas are continually ringing me, I have refused to pay any more money upfront to anyone, but still they are offering to help, saying if I pursue the claim myself I may fail, money already gone so what is there to loose? Has anyone actually used these people and got anywhere? Would be interested to know.

    • Maggie says:

      I got my money refunded to my credit card for two out of three of the scammers, and the third one apparently can get away with it because they (Excalibur) are acting only as an agent.
      CAS has called me a few times recently and yesterday they were able to confirm that I could claim back my money from the now in receivership Club Class Concierge and said I could do it myself but I needed to be very careful how I worded everything to the Credit Card company I used to pay for it. They also said that while they could not get a refund of Excalibur’s payment, I would be able to that in April, and I could have refund of the CCC membership around March. I paid them using my credit card but because two of my cards were maxed out, they have accepted half the money, saying that the contract has been sent out to me and they would be in touch several times during the next month to keep me updated, and I could pay the other half of the fee next month. So call me foolish if you like, but I really need to get my finances back on track and I have been so stressed out by all of this that I’m prepared to risk it. Watch this space.

    • Mac says:

      No, but I was tempted to use them. I am now trying to recover the money myself using the advice and instructions from Alberto so I will post any positive progress on the website. I too would be keen to know if anyone has used them successfully…..

    • JOHN says:

      We paid Consumer Advisory solutions 699 fee almost a year ago trying to recover 6.000 that we paid to join Incentive Leisure. Apart from taking their fee on our credit card and sending us a contract to sign we have heard nothing from them since. We have called them various times but get nowhere…….YET ANOTHER C**. We have been told by our bank that we can cancel and claim the fee back via our credit card. We looked at their website section75.net and noticed that they have changed their name and are now called European Consumer Solutions. Does this now mean that Consumer Advisory solutions no longer exists and we won´t get our money back?

  3. Inez says:

    Called by the CAS told. Given the 01244 number they want to claim back our I L G money.

  4. Haz says:

    ………… and here we go again. We too were called by Consumer Advisory Services. A woman (I refrain from saying lady because ladies do not steal) Called Betty. The telephone number matches the 01244 4470131 that others have mentioned. ‘Betty’ was very pleasant and urged us to look at http://www.section75.net – all seemed very believable.

    She made no mention of money. Simply, she wanted us to provide
    1. date of purchase
    2. total amount of sale
    3. how much was on the credit card
    4. membership paperwork
    5. length of membership.

    She is planning to phone us back tomorrow evening. Will she get anything from us?…………….
    Not on your nelly. I have drawn the conclusion that we are never going to get our money back. We could pay out loads more to all of the con men out there, who seem to think that they have a right to do what they do, or I can walk away with my head held high secure in the knowledge that I will not be conned again.

  5. J says:

    I was cold called by Consumer Advisory Services in Tenerife regarding my membership of the late ILG.They would get my money back ( I have all the relevant paperwork ) for £799 ,10% of what I paid 4 years ago.I`m still thinking about it.

  6. Andrew says:

    Just received a call from Customer Advisory Solutions. Nice young lady with a Geordie accent. Says that they can help if I get the information from my payment receipt and credit card statement. However, she can not help too much but will hand everything over to her supervisor. I did a 1471 on the phone and got a number of 0845 8620145. Doesn’t this look familiar? She will be calling back on Thursday for the information. Hmmmmm. How to tell her!

  7. Martin says:

    I’ve had a couple of telephone calls from CAS just recently. The number ‘phoned from was the 0845 mentioned above but if I wanted to ‘phone back it was the 01244 number. Both times the person was Penny Carpenter. She was not ‘pushy’ and when I said I was proceedeing with a claim (although I’m not very far with it) all she wanted me to do was give her progress reports at intervals. She said her prime concern was that I made a successful Section 75 claim. If CAS was to do it for me the cost would be £399 ‘upfront’ but would only take a credit card ‘for my protection’. Yes, that’s all very well, but if CAS are not what they make out to be, that’s even more for the credit card company to have to suffer and me to sort out.

  8. As expected no return follow up call.


    Just out of interest where from or how did CAS obtain your contact details ?

    I’m also well aware it’s possible to obtain a refund from your credit card provider and most of what tthat entails can be found from a number of consumer advice sites on the web. Although whatever approach taken you will still have to prove your case. I’m also not disputing your experience with CAS, however would always advise caution when it comes to dealing with anyone cold calling offering a solution to your issue. Let’s hope it results in a positive outcome and I certainly wish you luck in recovering your lost monies.


    • Maggie says:

      Thanks for your concern. I agree about proceeding with caution. As I mentioned, I am doing this alone without CAS intervening. I had a call from my credit card company a few days ago asking if I had any paper work. When I said I had none at all this seemed to produce a positive response in the person calling me. They have the full story in writing from me, and I think this will be sufficient to bring about the result I desire.
      In answer to your first question, at the time CAS first contacted me, I was not experienced enough to ask the question “where did you get my details?” so I don’t know – probably the same place all the other companies got them from. Some database or other. I get an awful lot of cold call phone calls. Some of them I just ring off as soon as I know what they want. Like – You’re having problems with your computer; We are a debt consolidation company; Have you taken out any loans or credit cards with PPI? Life’s just too short to argue with these people. Alas the telephone preference system can’t deal with them all, and once you have shown an interest in something your name stays on the list.
      I will keep you in the loop.

  9. Maggie says:

    Consumer Advisory Services have phoned me several times since my last post. I have been scammed up to about £4000 and CAS have offered to claim it back for me but they do not insist on this (fee of £600) and they are very helpful in their advice.
    Clearwhitelight’s experience is nothing like mine, and the phone number he gives does not match the recognised one. I suspect he is being scammed by a copycat. Full names have always been given to me – only two have phoned, the latest doing so because my initial contact is ill.
    The latest comment I received was that since my payments to the scam companies are only a few weeks old, I should have no difficulty activating what she called a “clawback” from my credit card.

  10. Just received cold call today from Consumer Advisory Solutions using telephone number 08458620145 from someone calling themselves Lee (he declined to give me his surname) offering Free Consumer Advice on how to rid ourselves of either Timeshare or Holiday Club ownership.
    Other than a name and telephone number he had no other details about our ownership. When pressed as to how he had obtained our details he stated it was because we turned up on his database as someone that had made a complaint at some time in the past. Again when pressed he he kept referring to something called a Public Complaint Service and that was how CAS had our number, however it was all very vague to say the least. One thing that was much clearer was to tell him about our past or present ownership and confirm certain details so he could arrange for someone to ring back within 48 hours. Things deteriorated pretty rapidly from here as I stated I would not divulge such details to him. Certainly not following a cold call even if offering so called Free advice. The fact he was also reluctant to provide me with more information about CAS itself and what they were actually offering equally led to a further impasse. It should be interesting to see whether we receive a follow up call although I strongly suspect we will not.

  11. Mac says:

    I have been cold called by Consumer Advisory Solutions and they are very keen to help us. Has anyone had any success with them? Their website is very scant so it is not much help or particularly reassuring. They want £400 up front. They say we can try to claim the money back ourselves but we will struggle to provide the evidence that the parent company of DWVC has gone into administration. Not sure what to do. Mac

  12. Huw says:

    I have been contacted also,twice now .Very keen to gain my trust. Glad to have you to confirm my misgivings. can some one tell me who to trust!! and try to get my money back, or have I got to accept it’s lost forever ? Huw

  13. Mr Gibbin says:

    I have been recently contacted by consumer advisory and they are know claiming to be abused in the UK. Also if you look at the website closely it is riddled with spelling mistakes.

  14. Maggie says:

    I was first called by Excalibur, to whom I paid a fee for them to sell my membership to Club Class. Then I got a call from CAS telling me that Excalibur were fraudulent and that I should get my money back from both companies. My credit card company suggests that we don’t know which of these companies is fraudulent and advised me that I am “safe” but to wait and see.

  15. Jacqueline says:

    I have been cold called by Consumer Advisory Solutions, Resolved Claims Ltd and many more. Are they all conmen?

  16. ALAN says:

    Hi all you fellow victims of these unscupulous rogues involved with conning people into these fraudulent agreements with which they must make a colossal amount of money, and yet they are allowed to operate in many countries and in very many different guises!!. I have just began to try to recover my deposit of £1500.00 from CCC in Gibraltar. Its like “knocking when nobody’s in” no positive response, just more aggro I think a big thank you is in order for Alberto and his team for what they are doing. I have also sent a fist letter off to vredit co and so I’ll see what that brings, I’m a little bit more hopeful after reading some of the comments on this page.
    Thank You Alberto and Co

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