Have you been called by Bains Cohen from London?

This alert is a tricky one, as we have a company cold calling timeshare consumers under the name Bains Cohen, but there is also a genuine company with this name that has nothing to do with this!

Our cold caller Bains Cohen claims to be based in London and say they are going to take DWVC to court in Spain and ask the timeshare consumer to join this court case.

The timeshare consumer has to send all relevant paperwork and an upfront fee of £378

They also mention a firm in Spain on the Costa del Sol under the name of South Coast Management who eventually will be dealing with this case. But the fee requested is also to cover the costs of sending a representative over from Bains Cohen to the Mercantile Court in Spain to fight the case. If the case is won, Bains Cohen will keep a 10% of the money. (On the website it actually mentions 15%)

Bains-Cohen has their own website http://www.bains-cohen.com/ which is all focused on the fact they are a law firm specialist in Holiday Ownerships. This website was registered on the 3rd of April 2012

There is no UK Companies House registration number on the web, neither any other details which as stipulated by law for a website.

Their office address is Suite 1097, Kemp House, 152 – 160 City Road, London, ECIV 2NX and contact details: info@bains-cohen.com, Telephone 0203 627 4664, Fax 0203 627 4767 and a telephone number that actually appears on the screen when they call 01409 174 919

Please note that the real law firm Bains Cohen has a website www.bainscohen.com and is also based in London. So obviously the “fake” ones are trying to confuse the consumer and make them believe they are dealing with a genuine law firm.

Please do NOT let them fool you!

We have been informed that the real Bainscohen are made aware by worried consumers that someone is using them as a front for their activities and will be working to defend themselves and catch the others.

Have you been called by Bains-Cohen for a court case against DWVC in Spain? Please let us know!

You can place a comment on the blog or send us a direct email to customercare@mindtimeshare.com


About mindtimeshare

Mindtimeshare SLU is registered Company reg number: B35957182 Mindtimeshare provides assistance to timeshare owners who have been defrauded by holiday clubs and bogus resale companies. The Mindtimeshare project was launched in February 2011. After dealing with timeshare members over several years who had been defrauded by numerous bogus companies and for large amounts of money, I considered launching an Organisation to help timeshare owners that have been targeted by bogus companies. On this blog you can find information about the different active scam companies and their “modus operandi” and also place comments, ask questions and see comments from other consumers who have the same doubts or have been through the same experience. Mindtimeshare has resulted in a huge success and has received the back up from not only timeshare consumers but also from the professionals in the timeshare Industry. Mindtimeshare helps timeshare owners who have been scammed by bogus Discount Holiday Clubs; bogus cash back companies; fraudulent timeshare resale companies; bogus class action companies and false lawyers and notaries. We offer professional answers and advice to Timeshare users. If you want to send an email instead of posting a comment on the blog please do so by emailing: customercare@mindtimeshare.com
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3 Responses to Have you been called by Bains Cohen from London?

  1. Ann says:

    I have been contacted by this same company asking for a fee of £324 for court filing. I was phoned by someone called Anna phone no. 02036274664. I have just also received the emails to confirm payment etc. with personal cheques made out to Anthony-bains-cohen. obviously I will not be sending any money to them but will take a bit of pleasure in them phoning again and I am able to challenge their credibility.

  2. duncan says:

    oh yes, they have changed their name now – it is A-B-C Mediation! same address, same phone numbers. web address is http://WWW.A-B-C-mediation.com they have upped their percentage to 15% = a whopping 50% increase on the quoted figures. i have been asked to put 378.00 into mr bains cohens bank account!! i dont think so!! i have searched companies house and surprise they have no record of this company either. this does appear to be a scam to my mind.

    i have sent Dianne Webb, sales woman, an email questioning all of this – i dont have any confidence of a posative reply!! but will keep you all posted!

  3. Angela says:


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