What Is Networganising? – UnionBook

Via SNU Workgroup on Unionbook

Networganising is different than both organising and networking. It is actually the synthesis of the best parts of the two.

It does not only involve convincing people to join in a rank-and-file army in order to form collective identities, or tying people to an existing or emerging agenda to make a stronger impact. Neither is it simply creating links and webs to reach certain goals in an easiest and fastest way.

Networganising is what an organised network [Orgnet] does in order to reach out likeminded, key and empowered peers, in order to link them and their network bases to each other. Ideally, as the synthesis of the best qualities of the organisation and network, an orgnet would utilize its capacity to reach the critical mass of active networked peerage base in an optimum time frame, by utilizing existing online and offline network infrastructures, and able to set the existing capabilities in a networked manner towards shared goals.

The expected outcome of a networganising activity would be a hyperempowered orgnet.

Hactivist orgnet Anonymous and whistle blowing orgnet Wikileaks have been using networganising, in practice, as their core activity to link up with new peers and empower others.

We will use this page temporarily in order to develop the concept for the use of labour orgnets, as GAIA, which might be rising.

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