Praying for Our Children

Psalm 127:3        

Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. (English Standard Version)

Lo, children are a heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. (KJV)

Children are an inheritance from the LORD. They are a reward from him. (God’s Word Translation)

Lo, children are a heritage of Jehovah; and the fruit of the womb is his reward. (ASV)

It is clear – children are given to us by God. They are his heritage, our inheritance.  They are the fruit of a woman’s womb and a reward to us.

 Naked and needy, vulnerable and impressionable God’s heritage birthed forth to us, sinners who struggle daily, as gifts from God.    

 What a gift given to such an unworthy recipients.  By His grace and mercy alone we are able to clothe them, care for them, mold them and guide them as they grow. 

Pray Life and Speak Destiny

 Last week the Lord spoke to me about speaking destiny over Wyatt and the other babies in our church.  We are given these gifts yet we know nothing of their future.  We are charged to care for and guide them yet we know not what they are to become.  Or do we?  They are God’s heritage. They are destined to do great things for Him.  He after all is the creator and we are the creation. We are all here for His glory and honor and praise.

 Satan of course has different plants.  He wants nothing more for our children to know nothing of God, to follow the world and fall as far from their destiny as possible. In short he wants them dead physically or spiritually.  Why is there such an attack on our children? Because Satan knows that they are destined to do great things. 

 One of the most important things we can do for our children is pray over them. Pray protection over them, speak life into them.  Speak destiny over them.  You don’t have children yet? Even better! Speak life over that unborn child! It is never too early to start praying for your children.  The Lord knows us and our destiny before we are born.  Pray into that destiny now.

 A Word of Encouragement

 God’s timing is perfect and if He has promised you children and given you the desire (and it not just a worldly want) He is faithful.  His promises are yes and Amen.  I waited two years for my promise.   I thought it might never come.  I was almost to the point of thinking we would not have any children.  When I finally gave it to God and let go it was not long after that when we conceived.  


Our children are an inheritance from the Lord; they are a chosen generation.  They hear from God, they are used by God. They are not junior Christians – they are mighty for the Lord.   Pray daily, pray hourly for your children, present or yet to come.  Lay down a firm foundation for them. 

 How do you pray for your children?  What do you pray about? 

Need some direction in praying daily for you children? Check out this prayer calendar for mothers from Inspired To Action.


 Until Next Time,

Be Blessed

This post shared at Women Living Well’s Wednesday Link up.

3 responses to “Praying for Our Children

  1. Years ago one of the ladies at our church had it put on her heart to share with the rest of us about praying for our children and grandchildren!!! She handed out this wonderful little Pamphlet from Silent Word Ministries. Which was taken from and article written in “The Silent Word” newspaper. Though it has been many years since I received this pamphlet I still have it and use it as my guide!!!
    Under each point it has 4-6 specific areas with scripture reference too. It covers praying for their relationship with God, for a nature like God, family relationships, relationship with friends, protection, and their futures.
    It has been an invaluable resource for me!!!
    If you like I can scan it and e-mail it to you!!
    love ya

  2. Pingback: Psalm 127 « mindfulconsideration

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