Sunday Funnies – Happy Mother-In-Law Day!

Yes, Virginia, there IS a “Mother-In-Law Day” – who knew?

It seems that since 1934, the fourth Sunday in October has been designated as the day when we honor the women who have been the target of a lot of good-natured ribbing through the years.

Paul and I are both lucky – we have great mothers-in-law, and we love them very, very much.

Many years ago, there was a cute series on TV called “Dinosaurs“.  One of my favorite episodes was called “Hurling Day“.  The premise of that episode was that whenever a dinosaur turned 72, a family would observe “Hurling Day”. In order to sweeten the deal, men were allowed to do the honors when their mother-in-law’s number came up.


It was a most joyous time for the guys – a fella was willing to put up with years of abuse from his mother-in-law because he knew that one day he would be allowed to hurl her ungrateful ass over the cliff into a great big tar pit:

Yeah, we laughed…

Have a great day!
[UPDATE]: Ran across this while looking for songs about Mothers-in-Law – a funny parody of the old (and rather mean-spirited) “Mother-In-Law”. It was too good not to share!


About Teresa in Fort Worth, TX

A short, fat, over-the-hill, happily-married mother of 4 daughters. I know just enough to get myself in trouble....
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