The Museum Director’s Office, Central Library

Since the Central Library once held the Public Museum, deep in the upper floors of the 4th floor had a mysterious Director who’s office shared a hall way with the Taxidermy room. Not all the specimens felt the hands of anthropologists preserving their final action pose.

The Director’s Office adopted Simba the “lion” cub as their in house pet. Simba kept the Director’s Office companion until he grew too big and was released to the County Zoo. Simba eventually died and returned to the Museum’s Taxidermy department where he prepared to join the African Savanna exhibit. Simba had a burn on his nose by which people always recognized him.

Today the abandoned Museum Director’s Office serves as storage for a variety of museum nick-knacks.

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Pt 1 A Gem, Doors Open, The Central Library,
Pt 2 The Old Board Room,
Pt 3 The Rotunda Within,
Pt 4 The Green Roof,
Pt 5 The Old Museum Director’s Office

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