Duck Blood Soup Giveaway Contest

Do you want to win a free copy of Duck Blood Soup?

You’ve come to the right place!

Silk Screen Views and the Hofer Brothers are sending the contestants on a Quest!

[:::] – EPIC Quest – [:::]

Go forth into the wild internet and find out the answer to this Question:

What kind of dog does Frank have?


Frank Hofer's Dog (Click to Enlarge Photo)

Frank Hofer’s Dog (Click to Enlarge Photo)

What is the breed of Frank’s dog?


CONTEST RULES: 3/25/13 to 3/28/13

  1. Follow Silk Screen Views via WordPress or Email
  2. Add a Comment Below with the Following Information:
    1. Your Name
    2. Email Address
    3. Answer to the Contest Question
    4. Leave a comment for Hofer Brothers or Silk Screen Views.
  3. Friends & family of the authors are not eligible for this contest.
  4. Contest Runs 3/25 to 3/28
  5. Winner will be Announced: 3/29/13 (This Friday!)
  6. Enjoy the Author Interview & Review. Links below.
  7. Thanks for joining us!


Never read Duck Blood Soup?

Find out more about Frank & James Hofer and their book, Duck Blood Soup, by reading SSV’s Author Interview & Review by Snarktastic Sonja.

Want a peek at the characters in the book? Check out the Races and Character Glossary provided by Frank Hofer.

You can find out more information about the co-authors and their work at their website.

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