Taste Testing Pillsbury Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!

The Product

Last summer, Pillsbury announced that they were adding gluten-free products to their lineup. Last month, the chocolate chip cookie dough and pie dough were brought to Canada! We picked up some of the cookie dough at Sobeys:

The tub you see here cost $5.49, which is double the price of their regular cookie dough (ouch!).

The Test

The first, and most important test, was how it tasted right out of the tub. (Isn’t that the best part of making cookies?) It was delicious – rich and smooth, with lots of chocolate chips. The only thing that stopped me from eating the whole tub was the assumption that readers would probably want to know how the actual baked cookies tasted, not just the dough.

So, I popped some in the oven following the directions on the top of the tub. 11 minutes later, we had fresh cookies.

The Results

Once the cookies cooled down a little bit, we dove in. They were particularly delicious while warm and fresh. The texture was quite smooth and personally I think it would be hard to tell that they were gluten-free. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you how well they keep, or how they taste when completely cooled, because they didn’t survive that long.

The Verdict

Although this product is a bit expensive, it is so nice to have some gluten-free convenience options, especially when they taste like the regular product. I also really liked being able to make just a few cookies at a time rather than a large batch. I don’t think that this dough will be a staple in our house, but I do think it will be high our list of gluten-free treats.

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  1. #1 by Ashley on August 15, 2014 - 11:17 am

    Love those cookies! They’re tasty and easy to make!

  1. Taste Testing Pillsbury Pizza Dough! | Gluten For Punishment

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