38. Ring Mountain Preserve

This weekend has everyone thinking about spending time outdoors again. And, while we’re sure to get more rain, it’s time to start enjoying our wide-open sun soaked hilltops and the great hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, dog-walking and rock climbing that goes along with that. Ring Mountain Preserve, part of Marin County Open Space District, is the perfect place. Pretty much everyone is welcome (keep your dogs on leash) including mountain bikers and horseback riders. It’s not a particularly strenuous walk/hike to get to the top, and the whole loop from Paradise all the way up and back down is just over 2 miles.

There are always a lot of visitors on the weekends, and Turtle Rock and Split Rock are usually swarming with rock climbers. Since the preserve covers the top of the mountain, and there are few trees up top, the views in all directions are spectacular.

A lot of people access the preserve from the main entrance down on Paradise Drive near Marin Country Day School, but others come in from adjoining Tiburon neighborhoods that surround the preserve. It’s a fabulous place to pack a lunch, hike up, find a spot to spread out and hang out, and perhaps even fall asleep for a while. Or, take your camera and send the photos to friends across the country who are digging out from record snowfalls and freezing temperatures (there’s a reason we live here, not there, right?)!

(Ring Mountain main entrance map)

About Anne Mosnier Kennedy (374 Articles)
Real Estate Broker / Cal-Haas MBA / Architect / Real Estate Investment Instructor

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