Cryer’s Cross by Lisa McMann (CBR3 #51)

This small town in Montana might be the best place for Kendall. The one room high school she attends is small enough that she can fix everything to the exacting standards her OCD demands. She can arrange the curtains just so, and put each desk into exact groups, 6 per grade level, 24 in all. It even worked out with 24 kids until last spring when a freshman, Tiffany, disappeared. Since then, the town, and Kendall, have been on edge. Nothing like this happens in this quiet farming town. Then Kendall’s boyfriend Nico disappears as well. When Kendall discovers that Nico’s desk was Tiffany’s desk (same graffiti), it seems like more than coincidence. Kendall doesn’t think anyone will believe here, least of all new student Jacian. Of course, there’s more to the town of Cryer’s Cross than meets the eye.

I didn’t notice until after I’d finished the book that the cover image is the title carved into the top of a school desk, though that choice does make a lot of sense given what the reason for Nico and Tiffany’s disappearances ends up being. As the story goes on, there are italicized interludes hinting at the hunger of something unexplained. These really only served to confuse me, until the mystery became obvious and then they were just annoying. While the idea may have been interesting, the execution here is lacking.

(Library book)

(Look, only one review left! And I know what book it’s going to be about! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!)

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