#27O SPAIN: Thousands of protesters on the streets in 22 cities

Protest against education cuts in Barcelona Oct 27, 6.30 pm | photo #SOSeducacio

In Barcelona, thousands of people are marching in defence of public funds for education. According to the organizers about 60,000 people are on the streets in the Catalonian capital. At the same time other groups are organizing an alternative economy meeting in Barcelona.

Protesters against austerity in Madrid Oct 27, 6.30pm | Photo: Jonás Candalija

After retaining buses from other cities hindering them from democratic right to demonstration, now riot police in is blocking protesters’ way in the centre of Madrid.  People in their protest march are chanting “they don’t respect us”, “we don’t owe, we don’t pay” and “it’s not a crisis, it’s a scam”, on social media they post and tweet “we are not afraid”. On the photo you can observe how people from all social groups join to reject austerity plans and serious cuts of the budget 2013.

#27O Protest in Madrid on Oct. 27, 2012, 8.30 pm | Photo: AlacalleTV

The #27-O protests are going on in 22 cities of Spain. Police is identifying and registering people more than ever before and during the protests.  According to the protest platforms there are more than 40,000 in the centre of Madrid while the government delegation counts only 3,000. It is always the same story, from the Livestreams earlier and the lots of photos taken on different locations at the same time it is obvious that the amazing crowds could not be just 3,000. Moreover the demonstration get separated by the police closing streets. From 8.30 pm onwards people posted that they cannot get to the Pl. España in Madrid, as they are surrounded or separated by the police. if you still doubt, see documentation.

READ: #27O SPAIN, ITALY: Continuing protests, police clashes, democratic rights at risk
Watch Livestreams from Barcelona and Madrid.

About birgitwolf

gender & communication expert, researcher, networker, activist.
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