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“Monarch”, East Grinstead: bring on the crowns

“Monarch Security & Fire” burglar alarm, East Grinstead • Well, amazingly I’ve managed to keep this blog going for a whole year, and after posting north of 365 different burglar alarms I still have a vast amount yet to feature (don’t all cheer at once). So, seeing as it’s a leap year, here’s to the next 366 alarms. But I do actually have a bit of a life too (just a bit), so from today I’ve changed the format slightly in order that I don’t always have to write so much about each one. I’ll still be posting in series of themes, as taxonomy was always the point of this blog, and I’ll introduce each theme as before. But, if I haven’t got anything to much say about a particular alarm – other than that it fits within the genre – then I’ll keep it very brief. I would still appreciate comments however, and will be reading them all avidly and answering where appropriate as I do now. Following on from yesterday’s vintage Royale, the first theme of 2012 is “Royalty” – which, as well as being appropriate for this jubilee year, is one of the security world’s most enduringly popular tropes, preferably accompanied, as here, by a hefty old crown. Oh, and notice the aptly regal address – not the last I’ll feature, as royal British road names aren’t exactly rare. • Spotted: Queens Walk, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19, England, 2004 • Politics: In the Conservative constituency of Sussex Mid 

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