Blog #1340: Toy Reviews: Transformers: The Last Knight Mega One Step Turbo Changers Dragonstorm

Transformers: The Last Knight Mega One Step Turbo Changers Dragonstorm

Transformers: The Last Knight Toy Reviews


Dragonstorm is pretty cool. He looks awesome in both modes. I love the colors. If you hold him by his handle, press the button, and push it forward, he lights up and roars and his middle head moves forward and opens it’s jaws. The light in his mouth if shined on One Step Turbo Changers reveals battle damage. Pretty cool. He has one step transformation and in robot mode lights up and says a bunch of different phrases. He isn’t a perfect toy. The auto transformation requires springs in his arms that leave them sort of our to his sides. They won’t say down at his side. He frequently jams during transformation either his arms not folding in properly when going to dragon mode or his arms getting stuck when going to robot mode.

Overall: I think he’s a little overprices at $80, but not a bad toy. Certainly a lot better than Age of Extinction Chomp and Stomp Grimlock.

Thanks for reading!

About lmb3

I’m 36 years old, and I work in network tech support for a public school system. I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Transformers, Harry Potter, and Marvel Comics as well as numerous other fandoms. I’m a big sports fan, especially the Boston Red Sox and the New England Patriots. I collect toys (mostly Transformers but other stuff too), comic books, and Red Sox baseball cards. I watch an obscene amount of television and love going to the movies. I am hopelessly addicted to Wizard Rock and I write Harry Potter Fanfiction, though these days I am working on a couple of different original YA novels.
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