Creating topics for me to reinforce back the reduced passion of writing since the last few days,    tagged me in this wonderful challenge to give me a chance to come out of  inertia!


Well! I have to host a dinner party! And thats always been  my favourite! 🙂 Only that the guests were always  friends ,relatives or somewhat new acquaintances and believe me Iam a wonderfully perfect host! The challenge lies here in the guests list which is completely different!

The dinner is a simple affair:

– Five guests and myself . While relatives are permitted, it will be more interesting if guests are public figures – dead or alive, speaking any language – or even fictional characters.

– In turn, tag five others to hold Virtual Parties of their own.

The dinner would be held in the beautiful cozy hall with candlelights,although its not a romantic night! I would prefer having candles all over the place lighting up and creating the aura! People tend to open up more easily in dim light! rather than the brightness ,so to let everyone be comfortable and relaxed ,this would be the  perfect ambience.

For the Menu! It would be an ambrosia with the real nectar as a drink! 🙂

My guests of honour shall be arriving soon and here is their list as I welcome them on board with a fresh bouquet of wonderful exotic flowers!

MY 1st GUEST would be my Lord! without whom I cannot think of any occasion or ceremony! So for you all ! He is Krishna! According to Bhagavata Purana, Krishna was born without a sexual union, but by divine “mental transmission” from the mind of Vasudeva into the womb of Devaki.He is considered to be an incarnation of Vishnu, the Ultimate hindu God. All art forms that are found in India whether it is  dance ,paintings,scriptures,prose,literature are inspired by the life and divine presence of Krishna.His life is full of inspiration which if understood gives a clarity in our thoughts and living.

He can be a true conversationalist,as he is a good diplomat has the knack of twisting words to form rephrasing and an everknown statuette of  love and divinity. Being a prince ,he has his own charms and as an eternal musician ,his flute shall mesmerize the other guests and me like anything. A perfect one to be with  in all sense!

MY 2nd guest would be THE SINGING NIGHTINGALE OF INDIA- Lata Mangeshkar .She has a golden voice never to be forgotten. An evening with her would surely add a beautiful aura to the atmosphere ,for music shall be eternal then . Lata Mangeshkar is an Indian singer, and occasional music-composer. She is one of the best-known and most respected playback singers in India. Mangeshkar’s career started in 1942 and has spanned over six and a half decades.

My 3rd prominent guest is INDIRA GANDHI,the most powerful woman and the first Prime Minister  of India.She  remains as the world’s second longest serving female Prime Minister as of 2012and the only one  to have declared state of emergency in order to ‘rule by decree’ ..A multi faceted personality,who was deprived of a normal childhood due to the political activities of her parents,Jawaharlal Nehru and Kamla Nehru..It would be interesting to have her as a special guest ,where she interacts openly as how has her country changed and the world too in these years.Had she been there what would have been the condition and the difference in  India now?

My 4th special guest is William Wordsworth. The famous Romantic poet of all times.Wordsworth was Britain’s Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.He married four times and its interesting to know what would have been his psychological conditions when he went through all the traumas of losing his wife and then again falling back in love.The zeal of moving on and the zest to live carries on such artists and writers to create historical creations… The Daffodils who would be the cherry on the top to hear from him. His inspirations,depressions,complexes and the homesickness he had when he went to Germany would sure be a delight to listen to alongwith what triggered him more to write!

My 5th guest would be Emperor Ashoka,who has been a significant ruler an d the most powerful kings of India from his kingdom spread upto the boundaries outside India from Afghanistan to Bangladesh!.He fought innumerable wars,and and is known to have flooded the paths by bloodshed in the historical War of kalinga.What transformed him into embracing Buddhism will be so touching to hear in his own words.The incidents and experiences shall be worth listening and inspiring for anyone who has a  spiritual bent of mind.

The combination would be a exhilarating one,, Gandhi having a world around her,with the Majestic Emperor analysing what would have been his place ,had he been born now in this present age…Wordsworth enjoying his own words, Lata to immerse the occasion with her melodious melody   ..and above all the Lord himself…. having a look at the scenario happening! His creations.all different in every respect in front of him.

The 5 bloggers who I am going to tag are as below: whom I want to be a part of this lovely challenge who will be hosting a dinner for another 5 personalities.


Subhan Zein… , the modern voice of Rumi and Gibran!

Millie… ,  The beautiful entrepreneur with clarity in soulful thoughts .

Archana…, A maverick of her own world of emotions…

Shalini…., The new strong voice of todays! 

Tapish… , Beautiful tempering of thoughts about life…,


Best wishes to all of you! 


  1. What a fascinating dinner! I would apply for the job of serving the tea! I knew you’ provide a more than interesting set of guests, and have intrigued me so much I shall have to spend all morning reading up to erase gaps in my knowledge! By the way, Soumyav, you and I share the passion of hospitality as an art (as I wrote on my ‘about’ page if I remember correctly) so I enjoyed reading about how you would plan the evening..

    1. Thts lovely ! that we share the passion of hospitality ,as it is the most humble passion…. Iam really happy that you liked the conceptual eveing and also the set of guests! and there’s always no end to the depthness of our knowledge ..still I believe you have the most beautiful and vast experiences as a traveller in business. different places,countries,continents change the outlook and increase the boundaries of knowledge.

  2. Really wonderful and interesting choice – I enjoy seing&reading the way you have chosen the guests and why you feel it’ s exactly them you would enjoy seing there. Would be quite a delightful event if you ask me. 🙂

  3. Whoa!! What a guest list Soumya!
    It seems you covered the whole human race 😉

    Really an awesome post and hats off to your imagination. This really is a challenge for me. I’ll try to come up with something good 🙂

    1. Thanks Tapish ! And am really happy that you liked and enjoyed the guest list and the imaginative gathering :-)..
      I lok forward to read a wonderful post from you on this!

      1. Bad bad internet. 😀
        On a small trip now. Have to do with the 3G dongle thng which is pissing me off to a point where I might just throw it off a cliff or something, 😀

  4. Can I come to the dinner too? Hehe. 🙂 I will make a post on this for next week. And I will make a reference to you as well, thank you so much for the kind gesture, Soumya, and also for your comparing me with Grandpa Rumi and Uncle Gibran. I am humbly thankful, I know still have a thousand miles to go to produce works as great as theirs, so please wish me luck.

    Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein
    #PS: I saw the preview to one of your books. Congratulations, it looks great! I think I am going to buy it. 😉

    1. Ur always Welcome Subhan! 🙂 Great day for me! 🙂 my bloganniversary gift it seems! well! you will be reaching the height soon with your writing to those legends.Looking forward to read about your imaginative conceptual dinner party!

  5. hats off ,, amazing and splendid post, so informative.
    i m a big fan and admirer of Indira Ghandi, a respected leader and inspiring character for all women. thanks a lot dear for sharing this post.

  6. Hi Soumya, I have been preoccuppied, these past few months have been crazy, and now I am working on my blogging plan, and I hope I’d be able to post this topic sometime at the end of January 2013. I hope this is fine with you. I might post only once a week, but I hope that should be enough with the regularity and getting the chance to visit other blogs. I hope you have a wonderful holiday, Soumya. Many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

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