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Something’s going on with the weather here.  Warm, cold, warm, cold.  The weather can’t make a decision.

The other day, it was one of the cold ones.  I’m talking freezing cold.  The teens!  Gasp!  Naturally, I thought of the quickest way to warm myself up.  No, not another layer of clothes.  That’s too easy. 

I made homemade hot tea and cookies. 

This hot tea is one my Mimi used to make.  It’s a sweet way to warm your body during these cold winter days.

True story: the last time I was home to visit family, Mimi insisted I was not too big to sit on her lap, so she made me do it.  This tiny grandmother had a 5’11” woman sit on her lap.  I warned her, but ultimately, she won.  If a 90-year-old woman tells you to do something, you do it.

Mimi tells you to make this tea!

Hot Russian Tea
makes approximately two dozen servings

1 quart grape juice
1 quart sweetened tea
1 quart orange juice
1 quart pineapple juice
1 can frozen lemonade, plus amount of water called for

Mix all ingredients together in a large stock pot over medium-high heat.  Bring to a boil, then reduce immediately.  Serve warm.

This recipe makes plenty!  It’s great for a winter party to serve many.  To serve fewer, half the recipe or just store cooled tea in a pitcher in your fridge for up to a week.

Hospitably Yours,