

His mother told him stargazing wasn’t a reason to come home after curfew. His father said “you listen to your mother.”

Inside his darkened bedroom he exchanged texts with the girl who made him come home late.

“Tomorrow we’ll run away together…forever.”

Answer the question in exactly 42 words. The inaugural questionWhat’s so amazing that keeps us stargazing?

Categories: Uncategorized | 28 Comments

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28 thoughts on “Stargazing

  1. Aw, it’s Romeo and Juliet!

    • I hadn’t realized that until your comment. Good thing Willie Shakespeare is dead, I’d hate to have him come after me. 🙂

  2. I like the use of ‘stargazing’ as a cover-up in this! And how you created a pretty well-rounded picture, with the father submitting to the mother, the curfew, the girl, all in 42 words.

  3. I’d love to read a whole story based on this one little piece. Intriguing!

  4. Cool piece! ::: dramatic music ::: To be continued…

  5. Uh-oh. I think the big story begins tomorrow for these folks!

  6. I love stories of rebellious youth!

  7. Intriguing, would like to know what happens tomorrow!

  8. Star-crossed lovers?

  9. Aww… I think that’s an excellent reason! Parents should know kids are going to be defiant, particular when it comes to that special someone. (;

  10. Natalie DeYoung

    Uh oh! I smell trouble brewing…

  11. Christine

    Reminds me of a boy I dated in high school many, many, many eons ago… 🙂 I’d rather my kid be out stargazing than holed up in his room with his phone, to be honest! Thanks so much for gargleblasting with us!

  12. For me, stargazing is always synonymous with young love. Maybe it was all of those summers at camp…

  13. Oh, lovely job. What a great little story. I like the way the disapproving, pragmatic mother creates the link between stargazing and love. You say a lot in 42 words.

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