Reading Routine

I-love-readingIf you follow me on goodreads, no doubt you’ve seen my status updates and ever-growing list of books I want to read…someday. With everything I have going on, or should I say with all the hobbies I have going on, it’s by no accident that I am able to finish as many books as I do.
reading-3-waysYep, that’s me. And no, I’m not actually reading two books simultaneously while listening to an audio book, but you get the idea. This is my plan of attack: the kindle for when I’m on-the-go (i.e. lives in my purse), a library book for the evenings (usually just before bed), and audible for my commute. I used to think that reading multiple books at the same time would be confusing, but it’s really not. And especially when each book is in a different medium, it’s easier to keep them separated in my mind too. Do I finish more books this way than if I just completely immersed myself in one book at a time? I like to think so, because I don’t think I would remember to pack my library book each day before leaving the house and I certainly wouldn’t be reading while I’m driving.

Having a routine for a leisurely activity like reading might seem a little too rigid, but it works for me. There are so many books that I want to read and learn from, that if this gets me a little closer to getting through that list, I’ll take the routine.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

What’s your reading routine? Do you use a kindle for when you’re on-the-go or audio books? Do you read every night before bed?

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