30-Day Challenge: Spirituality, Day 22

Day 22:  Do you have holidays, or holy days?  Which is the most important to you?  If not, please create one.

I learned about Diwali from my Indian friend, Hemant Khurana (Happy.)  In fact, I’ve learned more about Hindu culture and celebrations from Hemant than anyone.  His blog is called Love & Life (Experience the Magic of Love & Mysteries of Life thru my eyes).  He offers detailed posts about India, about anything from Bollywood to Holy Festivals.  Diwali is the Festival of Lights, and is celebrated throughout India.  The date is tied to the New Moon of the harvest season, (October and November,)  It celebrates the triumph of Lord Rama over Ravani — good over evil.

Diwali is an occasion of great celebration in India — people light their homes and gardens and streets and cities and country with diyas (oil lamps) — I will be looking at Google Maps next year to see if I can discern the lights.  It is a New Year festival, and a celebration of rejuvenation.  People dress up in new clothes and have happy gatherings of friends and family.  I’m not going any further with the description, as you will understand better from Hemant.  He has included many photos, and some videos as well as writing about the festival and its significance for different people in different parts of India.

I choose this as my favorite, because of the emphasis on renewal and reawakening; because I love the idea of putting diyas (oil lamps)  everywhere and celebrating with the glory of light.  I especially love how colorful and vibrant this festival appears, from photos I’ve seen.  To me, it would be like taking the excitement and color of Mardi Gras or Carnival, without the debauchery and nudity, only far more serious a happy festival than Mardi Gras ever hoped to be.  Please, visit Hemant and read this post, look at the photos, watch the videos, (remember, the beautiful young man in the final video is an actual god to his people,) and think of how wonderful it would be to celebrate a festival like this one.  Thanks so much, Hemant!

7 responses to “30-Day Challenge: Spirituality, Day 22

    • Hello, Marta, and thanks for stopping by the blog! I hope you will feel welcome to stop in anytime. And if that 30-Day Challenge on Spirituality intrigues you, you can see the rest of the topics at My Creations page. I’m very happy you found your way to my blog, and my wonderful group of readers and friends.

  1. Pleasure’s all mine madam, and once again thankyou for your kind appreciation.
    I truly feel honoured and these words of appreciation by you are really very precious for a novice & an ordinary guy like me so thank you very very much.
    yours obidiently
    Hemant Khurana.

    • I am looking forward eagerly to whatever you have to say next — aren’t we lucky to live in the time we do? This kind of connection feels so celebratory! You will be seeing me in the comments section of your blog. I’m not sure why I wasn’t being notified about your posts, but now I’ll be on the lookout for them! Namaste, my friend. I do see the spirit in you.

  2. Madam this is the most beautiful gift I have ever received in my life..I am totally speechless, all I can say at this point in time is thankyou thankyou & thankyou.
    God bless you madam.
    With regards
    Yours obidiently
    Hemant Khurana.

    • You are of course most welcome, sir, but I feel it is I should be thanking you. I have learned more from your blog than I ever dreamed I could know about India. I am now a devotee of your lovely music, the joy of your countrymen at almost all times, of Bollywood, which I adore, and of yours. Thank you for allowing me to know your beautiful country, and your generous, intelligent, and loving self. With my best regards, Judith

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