The Brink of War: Syria Becomes Potential Ground Zero for US and Russia

The worst consequence of mankind leaps in technology, communication, and travel is the magnitude of war. The industrial revolution made globalization a reality in the early part of the 20th Century, and World War I or The Great War began in 1914 over an incident in the Balkans.  War broke out over a renegade terrorist from Serbia assassinating  Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.  One incident was the spark for the First World War.  War was conducted on a scale unprecedented in the history of the world as war at that time was fought by land, sea, and air from the shores of America to Asia.  Four years of carnage before the Allies could defeat Central Powers had to pass before the war would come to an end. Twenty years in the future, World War II began as a result of how the first one ended. The carnage and destruction made World War I seem like a trial run for Total War. Genocide and Atomic Weapons were the result of the Second World War.  Today, a crisis is evolving that may have implications globally.  The Assad Regime in Syria has absolutely nothing to lose, and the recent chemical attack on its citizens were not strictly to combat the insurrection threatening the Assad regime. This dire move was to take pressure off Assad, and bring the United States and Russia to the brink of war as the Russia’s mantle will be shown as advocate of war and enemy of the United States.  Why would Syria risk a global war?  The answer is Israel….The worst case scenario would be no less than catastrophic.

The complexity of the situation in Syria is many dynamics for people to grasp. Syria has a best case scenario from using such a dangerous card. The one item on this planet can take the pressure off the Assad Regime, and the ending the war would be the result because of this one item.  Israel could become the focal point as the core problem in the entire region. Israel would be the one time to unite the different sects, conflicts, and countries of the Islamic world. The Soviet Union was not allies with the United States or Britain until the Nazi Regime came along with Adolph Hitler. Communism and Capitalism put all differences aside and united to defeat the Nazi’s.  The Nazi Regime was pure evil. Israel is a Jewish nation in the middle of an Islamic Middle East. The conflict is religious and generational to the point in the Islamic world. Israel would be a strong enough issue to unite the Islamic world. If this gamble works, Assad saved his regime in Syria at the expense of a world on the brink of war. What a dangerous game is being played for self preservation of power.


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About Donny Wise

Writer, Publisher, Personal Finance Advocate, and Business Owner Donny Wise & Associates LLC and Finance Dynamic

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