LA adventures rival SxSW?! [feat BOY & Emma Louise]

I haven’t wanted to say anything just yet — I haven’t known how to break the news. . . You may want to sit down for this… you ready? [massive exhale] Here it is. I’m not going to make the annual trek to Austin, Texas, for South by Southwest (aka SxSW) this year. There, I said it. It’s a big blow, I know. You gonna be okay? You probably aren’t half as broken-hearted as I am. Still, I’d like to think you care just a little.

There is no exaggeration in stating that SxSW is my absolute favorite time of the year. I start planning in October for what happens in March the following year. It isn’t just a weeks worth of live music, featuring some of the hottest bands IN THE WORLD. It’s a gathering place for some of the most sensational kindreds I know, a pilgrimage of sorts. So many of us come from our separate corners of the universe and we all collide in Austin. It’s beautiful and magical and oh so very soul nourishing. I’ve taken to calling it LOVE FEST, because that’s what it is to me. A week long love fest.

Yep. Not going 100% SUCKS. But here’s the thing, I am a grown-up. I have major life responsibilities outside of being a quirky bleeding-heart-diary-scrawling-concert-going music blogger. And this year, one such major responsibility is co-existing with the week of SxSW. Therefore, I made the very difficult decision to “do the right thing”. I’m not going. I’m wrecked about it, but it’s just one year. Can I just go ahead and say that it doesn’t help that I’m starting to get emails from people asking me what the must see shows this year are? Where are we staying? Who all is going? Etc. etc. I am the party planner, the social calendar coordinator, the bringer together of people. It’s what I’m good at. But I’m sitting this year out and yes, it hurts me more than it hurts you. All of last year’s excitement can be found  HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Once the decision was made to skip SxSW I immediately started planning a consolation-prize trip. If I can’t go to Austin, well then… I’m going to Los Angeles. Naturally I planned this trip around a show. BOY, a band I fell madly in love with a couple of years ago, was supposed to play SxSW last year and I was sooo excited, but they ending up canceling. However, they ARE playing this year and guess who won’t be there?! Oh right, we already covered all that. I figured that since BOY was traveling to the States from Europe, they had to plan a few tour stops surrounding SxSW. At least, that’s usually how it works. Indeed, they play LA the week before SxSW and THIS GIRL is going to be there. But one show is not sufficient for a trip to California; especially when it’s a trip that is replacing my most beloved week of the year. Not to worry — it’s also not a trip to LA without a night (or two) at The Hotel Cafe. I don’t even have to calendar check for this. I can stroll in any night of the week and be treated to something that will delight my senses; The Hotel only showcases amazing artists. However, I decided on a whim to check and see if any of my friends were playing, might as well do some planning. I was SHOCKED and thrilled to see that Australian songstress, Emma Louise, is playing the Hotel the same night I’ll be seeing BOY. Thankfully, Emma Louise has the early slot at the Hotel Cafe and it will be no problem getting to both shows. We may have to hustle a bit, but that’ll make it feel all the more like we’re hanging out in Austin, racing from must see show to the next.

I’m already eyeing a few others shows, but more importantly – the LOVE FEST side of this trip. While in LA I’m staying with one of my dearest friends who moved away from me last August. (She left me to pursue her Ph.D or some nonsense. Sheesh. 😉). She makes my life so much brighter. I don’t see her nearly enough. AND another cherished friend (and musical soul-mate) is flying out from Texas, just to be there with me. PLUS, I have a handful of LA based lovers who I’ll get to see, as well. It won’t quite be Austin, but it’s still gonna be damn good. I’m feeling pretty blessed, and getting REALLY excited. The countdown is on.

I’ve shared BOY a few times before: HERE and HERE, so I’ll start with Emma Louise. [Although to be fair, Emma isn’t entirely new to these pages, she appears briefly HERE]. This is just a little of the magic we’re in for.

And the EVER LOVELY ladies of BOY.
(Do check out my other two posts with BOY; my most favorite songs of theirs have been featured previously).

6 comments on “LA adventures rival SxSW?! [feat BOY & Emma Louise]

  1. Can’t wait for you to be here! ❤ Great little preview of the musical treats we will be experiencing. Love you.

  2. “There, I said it. It’s a big blow, I know. You gonna be okay?”

    No, no, I’m not gonna be okay.


  3. Devastating…
    though your new plan sounds good too…

    and this BOY sounds really nice.

    • Thanks, D. It IS devastating. I’m trying so hard to stay out of the SxSW information train, but it’s not working very well. Each time I hear of another favorite of mine playing, my heart falls a little further. BUT, it’s just a music festival. Life will go on. 😉 And yes, LA will be a blast. I take off tomorrow. It’s quick trip, but it’ll be packed with loved ones and lots of musical goodness.

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