Hi-fi Frid…oops… Saturday! Outlaw Country Meets Heavy Metal!

I started this post on Thursday and fully intended to publish it yesterday, but instead ended up going out with the guys. I’m just now getting caught up… so here’s your music fix!

David Allan Coe with Dimebag Darrell

DAC and Dimebag

I’ve been listening to country music now for almost thirteen days straight. No… not like that… I work full time and the girlies are with me half the week. What I’m saying is that when I have time to listen to music, it’s been country.

This seems to shock some of my friends. I’ve never not liked country music and I listen to it from time to time. Furthermore, while in my failing marriage, I would make it a point to watch entire NASCAR races just to get away and, as you all know, NASCAR is closely knit with country music.

Why this seemingly sudden transition to the world of whiskey, pickup trucks and beautiful women in t-shirts and jeans?

For starters, it’s not sudden… I got hooked into this new drama on ABC called Nashville back in October. Yep, I started watchin’ it because of the hot girls but quickly got sucked into the storyline; now it’s a Wednesday regular for me!

Also, when I go out to PA to hang out with my second family, Nikki will at some point sit down with her guitar and play so beautifully… it just draws me in. I don’t think they all know I’m paying attention, but I am… and it’s wonderful!

However, I really like my music to be edgy… and that leads me to my edgy country music like Charlie Daniels Band and David Allan Coe, also known as outlaw country!

Like this shit:

~ You Never Even Call Me By My Name ~

…OH but it gets better!

~ Pick ‘Em, Lick ‘Em Stick ‘Em ~

Tonight, David Allan Coe is playing at the Thirsty Cowboy in tropical Medina, Ohio. I will be there and y’all should come too!

Fun facts about David Allan Coe:

He’s not racist. While in prison, most of his friends were African Americans.

He once lived in a cave in Tennessee, after the IRS seized his home in Key West, FL.

Ya wanna know what’s really cool about David Allen Coe? Back in 1999 he crossed paths with the now late guitarist of Pantera, Dimebag Darrell. He and Dimebag, after realizing a similarity in how country and heavy metal are approached, decided to work together on an album. With Pantera’s lead singer, Phil Anselmo, absent due to drug problems, Coe worked with Dimebag and the other two Pantera members, Rex Brown on bass & Vinnie Paul on drums, to produce Rebel Meets Rebel. And it goes a little somethin’ like this:

~ Rebel Meets Rebel ~

That shit’s AWESOME! Pantera, fiddles and David Allan Coe vocals… makes me wanna fight, then swing my partner round and round!

Or how about some piano with your Pantera Cowboys From Hell?

~ Cowboys Do More Dope ~

Unfortunately, we’ll never get to hear stuff like this again, as Dimebag was murdered on stage back in 2004…

So tonight it will only be David Allan Coe. As soon as I shake this hangover I’ll prolly be pretty excited!

Enjoy your weekend, folks!

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