Software Freedom Day 2011 – Algeria

I have presented “Systèmes Embarqués Libres”  (Embedded Systems) at the “Sofware Freedom Day 2011 – Algeria” at Medea University Dr. Yahia Farès. The presentation was about embedded Linux and the Free Software tools that we can use to build our custom embedded systems. The presentation was in French.

You can find it here:

systemes_embarques_libres (odp)

systemes_embarques_libres (pdf)

Thanks to the attendees, 2 hours of technical stuff about Free Softwares (GCC, Cross-compilation, embedded Linux …). We have tested a real embedded kernel running on a TI OMAP3 board  (ARM Cortex-A8 processor) with some fun kernel boot messages debugging …. We have also played with the Android kernel …

The event was great and we have discovered some nice Open Source projects written by Algerians :). Finally thanks to the Medea University Dr. Yahia Farès and to the organizers.
