Me – The super hero…

I know… I know… control your laughter… I am not claiming to be a super hero… I am not Shahrukh.. 😉

I am talking about how my kid thinks/talks about me… I thought of being in his shoes and interpret the same…


My dad has got big arms… he is tall and big… he can lift almost everything at home… hmm… probably not my mom… 😉 hope, my mom is not listening to this… LOL….

He is so big, I can sleep in his chest and I like doing so… hope he also enjoys the same….

He knows all alphabets, both capital letters and small letters… also he knows all numbers… he can count upto… hmm… I don’t know… some big number… He can write all of those super fast also…

He tells me lots of things, some i don’t even understand … never mind… sometimes I don’t even bother them… 🙂 hope he don’t mind…

He can read stories.. I am not sure  whether he always reads or makes up the stories sometimes… Whatever…. I like them…

He drives big cars, I get to drive only toy cars… when I ask my mom, she says, once you become big like dad, you will also get to drive the big car…

Every one listens to him, and asks me to listen to them.. too bad… why so…?

He goes to office and works on his laptop and have never seen him doing homework…  I don’t know, what he does in laptop, I have played only games in them.. phew…. Probably he is also doing the same all day…. And tells me not to play too many games on laptop…

He speaks to his friends over phone, probably because his friends also have phone, why we kids don;t have phone..?

He knows everything, whatever I ask, he has an answer… I don’t know whether all the answers are correct, however I seem to be convinced and satisfied with his answers…

He doesn’t have to drink milk… yuck….I have to take milk every day morning and evening…

He plays with me… he knows almost all games…  and he is good at those than me…

When we go to shop, whatever my mom buys, he bills (That is what my son refer to payments)… even mine… he has lots and lots of money.. I don’t have… my mom says when I become big like daddy, I also will have lots and lots of money… more money than my dad…  then I will bill for my dad and mom….

He can run faster than me… he runs more rounds in the park than me… I get tired fast… my mom says when I become big like dad, I can also run fast and faster than dad… and can beat him…

When my toys are broken… he fixes the same… hmm… tried to break my train multiple times to get a new one… he fixes the same every time… I don’t know how he does it…

He gets to watch all his television programs when he wants, for me I can watch only during my television hours… why so… one day I will be also be big as dad and will watch all my favorite cartoons…  

He thinks that I am super hero, who can do things that he cannot do…

Well…. every child of my son’s age will be thinking the same… I have read somewhere that for a child the first hero will be their dad…  

This stardom brings in more resposiblity of 

  • Being nice to others
  • Talking good things
  • Not cursing even if some one jumps in front of your car from no where
  • Not exercising your bad habits in public

Challenging… however I am enjoying this stardom and feels happy about it as well… I am not sure, how long this will last… but I am going to enjoy the same till it lasts 🙂

Hope, all you dads are enjoying out there…


10 thoughts on “Me – The super hero…

  1. Hi Ramu, nice own reminds so many things….. exactly to be the role model forour kids.

    Sandhya Vinod

  2. Hai Ramu,

    That was really a good writeup. Being a father is a great feeling as well as a great responsiblity. Enjoying the same and proud to be a father.

    Hey why dont you share some of your poems in facebook

  3. That is the sweetest letter I have ever seen. I love the assumption that you play computer games at work all day and that he will “bill” for this mom and dad when he has lots and lots of money. I’m on the verge of tears.

    I love this post. I think you should post more of your son’s words. They are most charming.

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