Proximity Thinking about the California Drought

How can proximity thinking be used to think about, and relate to, the current California drought?

The mind map below should be pretty self-explanatory. Click the image to open it full-size. Once open, you can zoom it even larger.

Since search engines can’t index the text in an image, I’m including the text from the graphic below. However, I’d recommend only looking at the graphic, as it will make a lot more sense. Also, WordPress is adding some blank lines in the outline below, and I can’t fix it. So please imagine there are no blank lines!

• A proximity thinking example, including a few basic definitions. To learn more, visit
• Situation – A “situation” is whatever you are dealing with or considering.
• Element – Loosely, an “element” can be anything. Any person, place, thing, idea, feeling, time, group, relationship, situation, proximity, etc.
• Proximity – The “proximity” consists of elements related or potentially related to a situation, in physical, mental and other ways.

    California Drought

    Elements in
    the proximity of this

    • Need for water
    • A challenge shared by
      everyone in the region.

      • Consequences of failing to
        reduce water use.
    • How much water are
      we saving?
    • Incentives to save water.
      • Save money.
      • Avoid penalties.
      • To help yourself as
        well as others.
      • What other kinds of
        rewards might there be?
    • What are ideas for saving water,
      and how do we share them?
    • Lack of enough rain
      for many years.
    • Water sources and
      related resources.
    • People, organizations, equipment
      and infrastructure in the region.
    • To what extent are our
      efforts coordinated?

      • How could this be improved?
    • Weather and forecasts.
    • Related technology,
      tools and processes.
    • How can proximity thinking be used for this situation?
      • The ProxThink Growth Model, for people who share a proximity, has four main parts:
        • Vadi Agreements
          • Vadi Agreements
            acknowledge valuable
            differences and provide
            ways to sustain them.
          • Enough water to meet
            or exceed needs is a
            valuable difference.
          • This water vadi helps
            support many things, like
            survival, sustainability,
            stability, health, happiness
            and vibrant communities.
          • Vadi Agreements can be
            explicit (legal, contractual),
            or informal, as well as the
            general agreement that
            we’re in this together.
          • Agreements can also include
            goals for water savings, which
            ProxMonitors can help track.
        • ProxMonitors
          • A way to monitor and track
            water savings and other
            related information at different
            levels (personal,
            organizational, local, regional).
          • Proximity monitors increase
            proximity awareness, which can
            help many kinds of relationships.
          • Can be both technological
            monitors and people
            reporting current conditions.
        • Proxri
          • Sharing an idea for saving
            water is also a proxri.
          • Proxri are rewards which relate elements
            in the proximity. So such rewards are
            often made with the proximity in mind.

            • Water you save is a proxri
              to yourself and others in
              the proximity.
          • Proxri can be money, or result in
            money, but the idea is much broader
            than money, and acknowledges the
            need for a wide variety of rewards.
          • Water savings may or may not
            result in money but these proxri can
            benefit multiple levels (personal,
            organizational, local, regional).
          • People may see proxri
            made by others, or needed
            proxri, at RelatePoints.
        • RelatePoints
          • Ideas for saving water can be
            shared via RelatePoints.
          • A primary place for coordinating
            relationships in this proximity.
          • A place to connect and access
            ProxMonitors, Vadi
            Agreements, Proxri (made and
            needed), and other related info.
          • Could be a website
            and/or a mobile app.
        • Are there other benefits to the ProxThink Growth Model approach?
          • We may develop new ways of
            managing shared challenges.
          • Since it enables people to see and relate to proximities in a wider
            variety of ways, it can lead to more variety in our lives, one of the
            keys to health, happiness, sustainability and vibrant communities.
          • It may help us realize how
            many proximties we share.

• Questions? Contact us via
• Created by David Loughry.
• As you find this rewarding, please proxri with the proximity in mind via

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