Carrot Bread

for 2 loafs à 650g:

150ml water
50g flaxseed
50g sunflower seeds
50g pumpkin seeds
200g peeled and grated carrot
350ml carrot juice
some salt and pepper
1 tablespoon sugar
50g fresh yeast
75g liquid sourdough
350g strong white bread flour
150g rye flour
20g salt

Bring the water to a boil, pour it over the seeds and leave to soak for 2 hours.

Bring the carrot juice to a boil, season with salt, pepper and sugar. Add the grated carrot to the juice and leave to soak for 2 hours.

Drain the grated carrot but keep the juice. Reheat the juice until tepid and dissolve the fresh yeast in it.

Stir in the sourdough, grains, and sift in flour and salt. Knead for 4 minutes and add the grated carrot at the end. Leave to proof for 20 minutes.

Grease bread tins (25cm) and preheat the oven for 230°C.

Divide the dough into two and fill into the tins. Leave for a second proof of 20 minutes.

Bake the breads for 40-45 minutes.

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