More new ‘Phlegm’ work, Croatia.

Phlegm, a street artist hailing from Sheffield in the UK, but born in Wales, has been prolific in the last few weeks painting throughout Europe. His latest post on his blog documents some more of his work carried out recently in Croatia. Of all the work we’ve covered on UKB, Phlegm’s is definitely one of the most imaginative, and detailed.

His productivity isn’t set to slow down any time soon either. Phlegm is currently getting his gear together to fly out to Stavanger for Nuart 11 to produce a piece of work for the urban festival kicking off at the start of October. Phlegm spoke to UKB about his plans for the festival and told us that he was working on a piece covering the evolution of his characters from inception until the present day. Should be a really interesting piece of work, and one which UKB is really looking forward to seeing.

Best of luck Phlegm! Sure the outcome will be pretty spectacular.

(all photos from Phlegm’s blog)

Phlegm in Croatia
Phlegm in Croatia



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