Michael Adams’ New Song: “Don’t Touch My Junk”

Yup, you just knew that phrase was going to inspire some rappers and songwriters:

Warning:  Not appropriate for younger children.

Explore posts in the same categories: Obama Sucks, Orwellian, security

8 Comments on “Michael Adams’ New Song: “Don’t Touch My Junk””

  1. tgusa Says:

    Even though I find people who are ok with allowing the guvmint to do this to us a bit disturbing I may not have had a huge problem with it except that all the other so called security policies make this absolutely ridiculous. We have jihadists parading in and out the hall of DC, swarming all over us from Washington, but they are searching people who do not blow up planes. The aircraft has been the main target for muslims for over 40 years but who are they worried most about, people who don’t blow up planes.

    I opt out, I will not fly, I would not be concerned that people like Ronin have no problem with this as long as they stay out of my pants and out of my personal life. But I don’t believe they will, stay out of my pants or my life, that would be uncharacteristic of them and that is what really bothers me.

    Oh and I don’t want to have to pay for this farce and that would be true even if it were not a farce. After decades of non bomb travel, having never tried to take over a plane with a pair of nail clippers (the small ones)I no longer fly, not my problem, anymore. If people want to sacrifice their liberty for this illusion of security, fine, but don’t sacrifice mine for your illusion of safety.

    • tgusa Says:

      Remember the prog key word, Nudge, and then, be very careful how you are nudged.

      Two nudges here, one, the nudge towards accepting regular intrusions of you person for “safety’s sake. Two, the nudge towards lowering the volume of proles traveling by air, glowbull warming and all that. We cannot take pieces of prog ideology and analyze them alone, we need to put the whole puzzle together, the pieces fit.

  2. tgusa Says:

    They are walking talking biohazards as well. They use the same gloves for everyone, spreading whatever they have come into contact with. If I were a jihadist that is where my focus would be, the weak link, a little dab’l do ya.

  3. tgusa Says:

    No comments. I guess everybody is ok with all of us, including children, being treated as if we were koran carrying muslims. I suppose no one really cares if the message to us and even our little tots is, we all are a potential murderer, terrorist, child killer who would blow up our own kids (or someone else’s) to get back at Americans.

    If two muslims had been treated like this every muslim group would be out there screaming bloody murder on every tv station you could name. But a 100 million Americans are screaming bloody murder, and the silence is deafening.

    • tgusa Says:

      If I ever have to retake a hijacked plane with a broken toothpick I snuck through security, someone, please, take the dang wheel so we don’t end up in a nose dive. Cause taking back a plane with a broken toothpick is hard.

  4. tgusa Says:

    i have been reading alot on this TSA boss, a real creepy cr5eep if there ever was one. Hes got a head that would only look good on a pirate flag.

  5. CavMom Says:


    I have opted to be patted down. I have also opted to wear plenty of feminine protection and explain to TSA all about my delicate condition. I don’t embarrass easily. Nor do I see a reason to let them violate my “space.”

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