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Black History Month: Black Books #4

Welcome to the first annual Black History Month Hop hosted by Reflections of a Bookaholic and Mocha Girls Read a month long blogging event which focuses on giving black authors, books, and those who support them a month in the spotlight.

For the fourth week of the hop we have a few things planned for you. What’s a hop you ask?  At the bottom of each post you will find a list of other sites participating in the hop.  This way you can easily hop from one blog to another.

Weekly Topics for the Black History Month Hop
1st – 7th Black History Month Giveaway Hop
2nd – 4th Around Town
    5th – 11th The Business of Black Books
   12th – 18th  Black Love
    19th – 25th  Black Books
26th – 29th  The Best of…

We have a lot of giveaways going on right now from great Black authors.  All winners will be announced on 2/29/2012.

Delaney Diamond’s “The Temptation of a Good Man” (Ends 2/22)

Reene Jacob’s “Regina’ Story” & “Brandon’s Story” (Ends 2/24)

Monda Webb’s “7:33am” (Ends 2/25)

This is the week we introduce you to books by Black authors or with Black character.


Victoria was thankful for a lot of things- Joshua, the love of her life, a career
change that starts a new chapter, and a condo in the suburbs of Chicago Illinois.  

Her jaw drops when she opens the garage and finds a brand new Cadillac wrapped in a huge bow.
She was ecstatic and ready for the next steps towards her future.
This was Victoria’s fresh beginning.

When Victoria and Joshua start their
journey things take a turn for the worse. Victoria finds out that her
nemesis and Joshua’s ex, Danielle Shumaker has flown to Chicago to try to
get Joshua back. Victoria is determined to win this fight, when she finds out Joshua
has secrets of his own.  Distraught, confused, and mad as hell she falls into the arms
of another.  When emotions run high and desire digs deep Victoria finds herself caught up in Trouble.

Meet Stephanie Nicole Norris

Picture MGR:  Welcome to Mocha Girls Read Stephanie.  Congrats on your new and first novel!  What were some of the obstacle’s you encountered with this book?

SN:  I can honestly say a lot of hard work goes into publishing a book.  Writing the book came natural, but the publishing process not so much.  Trying to find the right direction to go with publishing because there are so many wrong directions was a major obstacle I encountered with publishing this book, but once I found the right direction I was good to go from there.

MGR:  What are you reading now?

SN:  The latest book I’ve read is “The Yellow Clutch Society” by Denesha Sheree.  It is a great novel.  Urban fiction with a twist!  I love to step outside the normal lines of urban fiction and shake things up with a novel like “The Yellow Clutch Society”.

MGR: How did your family react to your title of published author?

SN:  My family is very supportive.  They were mesmerized by the story and very proud.  They are all a blessing and they want me to continue writing so they can continue reading.  And they want all the freebies!! J

MGR:  That’s just like family.  LOL!! What are you working on now?

SN:  Right now, I’m working on Part 2 of Trouble In Paradise!  I don’t want to leave the readers hanging for to long after they finish.  We all know how hard it is to have to wait for a sequel.  I also have a short story in the works and it’s a love thriller we’ll see how the readers like it hopefully they’ll love it!

MGR:  What is your guilty pleasure?

SN:  I’ll never tell. LOL.  No seriously.

MGR:  Then it must be a good one.  LOL!!  Do you have any advice to black indie authors?

SN:  Research!  Make sure you do your research, it is very important.   We all are excited when we’re publishing our first book and tend to act fast which in turn causes mistakes.  Mistakes that hurt your pocket!  Doing good research will help you make better choices and lessen the blow of a indie author’s first mistake!

MGR:  Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

SN:  I would like to be a bestselling author, married, and have a least one child.  Wow that’s a lot to accomplish in five years huh (not when you’ve been working on it J .)

MGR:  Who are some of your favorite authors?

SN:  This list could get long, so I’ll just name a few.  Eric Jerome Dickey, Gwynne Forester, R.L Stine, Victoria Christopher Murray, and Jackie Collins.

MGR:  I was just wondering, are there things in this book from your life?

SN:  There is a moment in the book where the narrator is talking about a car accident the main character Victoria Mathis had in the past.  That accident actually happened to me.  Sitting at a red light, in broad daylight, I was hit by a drunk driver.

MGR:  OHHH NOO!!!  I hope you are alright.  Thank you Stephanie for stopping by.  Would you like to give a Shout Out !

SN:  To my All4One Family, we promote new and upcoming authors whose project is 6 months old or less.  We are a nonprofit group with the love and compassion to help each other and other’s like us succeed in this tough literary industry.

Author’s Links:

On Amazon    

Also available on Smashwords


Stephanie is giving away an e-copy of her book to one lucky winner!  This giveaway ends 2/28 and the winner will be announced on 2/29/2012. Open to International readers.  Just fill out the form below.  Good Luck!

Check out the other blogs and the books they are talking about. Bloggers add your link to the linky as well. One lucky blogger will win a great prize for joining this week.

About mochagirlsread

We are a group of black women who love to read, want to read more and meet like minded women.

5 responses »

  1. Thank you Mocha Girls Read for another one to add to my reading list.

    Ollie Moss

  2. I love these interviews! I so want to know what happens in this one.

  3. The storyline sounds intriguing.

  4. Sounds like a great story. Fun interview! Thanks.


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