All I want for Xmas is living dolls?


for the december/january 2015 issue of vogue paris, italian photographer giampaolo sgura has staged supermodels magdalena frackowiak and elisabeth erm as living dolls. enclosed in barbie-like boxes, the fashion stars are surrounded by colorful shoes, props, embroidered bags and an array of outfit changes, creating a completely couture environment for each mock-plastic lady. the current collections of valentino, miu miu, fendi and moschino are among twelve international high-fashion brands featured in the seemingly miniature display cases. the luxury items are delicately pinned and hung to the surrounding walls, fixed against stunning wallpapered backgrounds. ready-to wear becomes ready-to-play.



Commentary: Okay, this is more than a bit creepy, but also very artistically astute. While the irony-laden, yet horribly commercial appeal of this series is self-evident. It says to me far more about what Fashion has become. Less artistic, edgy, or avant garde and better seen as a Post-Modern critique of an industry that has been whittled-down to the power residing in a few hands of corporations that care very little about fashion as art.

In fact even most recently displayed by the hashtag-led activism of #BoycottRalphLauren for using genocidal laced imagery replete with white assimilation in a bold attempt at erasure of the history of this country. You must remember that 2014 was the year of protests, boycotts, and calls on social media for justice. Having said it numerous times before, let me state it here for the record — there is a revolution coming, and it will sweep the Fashion World as well.

There was a time when it would have lead that charge. Sadly, not in  today’s economy. Enjoy this consumable fashion spread however, I did.




via models become living dolls in vogue paris’ dec/jan 2015 issue | designboom.