Canine Culture

Opposite of Lost

(Nathaniel Russel)

Issue one of this twice-yearly magazine includes features on iconic American photographer Elliott Erwitt who alongside his well-known candid images of famous figures also captured man’s best friend; plus portraits and commentary on Guggenheim Fellow Mark Ruwedel’s photographs of abandoned doghouses in the desert, Sony Photography Award winner Sophie Gamand’s portraits of soapy pooches, and haunting shots of shelter dogs from Martin Usborne whose dogs in cars won Best in Book in the CR Photography Annual 2012.There are profiles on creatives and their canine muses, including artists Chris Johanson and Johanna Jackson; curator Kathy Grayson; and Alexis Krauss, front-woman of noise pop band Sleigh Bells. Plus a showcase of illustration from Nathaniel Russell; dog-related cultural chat with Strokes’ guitarist Albert Hammond Jr. and visual humourist David Shrigley; an essay on HMV’s Nipper; and lifestyle pieces on Soho’s dog-friendly bookstore The Society Club and beautifully crafted homewares for dogs…

via Creative Review – When Dogs and Culture Collide.