Journey to Old City – Chinatown


On February 9, 2013 (a day before Lunar New Year, which we call it Imlek) my friends and me joined a city tour group, Jelajah Kota Toea. This time their destination was Pecinan – Glodok (Chinatown), Jakarta. The event was organized by Komunitas Jelajah Budaya. We gathered at Museum Mandiri on 15:30. First, we took around inside Museum Mandiri, then we went to Pecinan area. The weather was a little bit cloudy and sometimes it was light rain, but thanks God it was not shower rain. To explore Pecinan area, we took a walk.  At the end of tour, we were very tired, but had fun.

The route :

Museum Mandiri, Pintu Kecil, Pasar Pagi Lama, Rumah Pasar Gelap, Toko Obat Lay An Tong, Toko Tiga, Gedung Tiong Hoa Hwee Koan, Rumah Keluarga Souw, Gereja Maria de Fatima, Klenteng Arya Marga, Klenteng Tang Seng Ong, Klenteng Toa Se Bio, Klenteng Kim Tek Ie, Pancoran

Information :

Komunitas Jelajah Budaya (KJB)

Museum Mandiri



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Chinatown area



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