Issue #18: Mark My Words: Prophesy, Signs, and Portents


Yes, I know. It’s been awhile. Life has thrown me a series of knuckleballs that body (and brain) slammed me. My last semester of university was a nightmare, but I got through… and have a nice expensive piece of paper to show for it. Then, between being fatigued all the time and shopping for a grad school, I kept shoving this magazine (which is honestly the joy of my life) further and further back on the back burner. So, it’s time. I’m feeling a bit better after changing my diet, getting more exercise and losing some weight. I’m still not one hundred percent, but I’m better than I was, so it is time to get the Traveler off hiatus and get cracking with publishing weird stories again. The Traveler has been on my mind during the past year. I’d like to do so much more with it. I’d like a new website for it, or at least a new banner and layout for this one.

As for starting this magazine again, I have made some small changes, some will be noted in the Submissions page. Most notably, starting from this point and going forward, I will select some original pieces each issue and mark them as Editor’s Choice. I am trying to get more into the habit of finding out when awards are issued, and nominating some stories/poetry. The Editor’s Choice asterisks will make it easier to find my favorites. Now, I just need to find more awards and keep track of when they accept nominations. Thank the gods for Google Calendar!

On that note, The Traveler has gotten some attention elsewhere, despite being offline for a year. In the last published issue, Issue 17: Drabble Stories, contributor Karen Bovenmyer and her drabble “What Dolls Eat” were recognized and nominated for a Dwarf Stars Award by the Science Fiction Poetry Association. That’s pretty big, for her especially, but also for this little rag.

A big shout out to Gwendolyn Kiste, who helped me read stories for this issue. And to all of  the contributors who waited for over a year, thank you for your patience.

So, without further ado, I give you “Mark My Words.”


Bell Canyon, by Colin Rowe (micro-fiction) *

20 Things to Do, by Dina Leacock (short story)

The Prophet’s Mistress, by Rachel Ingraham (drabble) *

Toys, by Michael A. Kechula (flash fiction)

Four Haiku, by Denny Marshall (poetry)

Voices and Tarot, by Kally Jo Surbeck (drabble) *

The Ultimate Quest, by Earl Stoll (short story)

Flea Market Special, by Micheal A. Kechula (micro-fiction)

The Fortune Teller, by Ed Ahern (short story)

The Spirits Know All, by Michael A. Kechula (flash fiction)

Scorched Earth and the Prophet’s Silent Voice, by Kally Jo Surbeck (flash fiction)

Windfall, by Gary Hewitt (micro-fiction)

*Editor’s Choice

All images used are from Pixabay

Posted on July 19, 2016, in Issue 18: Mark My Words: Prophesy Signs & Portents and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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