Check Your Email, Dude – Brotherly Love (Ep. 4)

You guys DO understand that we’re reading other people’s PERSONAL and REAL emails here, right?

Remember MY PLAN to rid the world of misdirected emails? Every time I get something good sent to me by mistake, I’m sharing it. Right here. In a segment called Check Your Email, Dude (CYED).

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You are now reading Episode #4 of the Jud & Bill series entitled Brotherly Love, chronicling the mundanely interesting goings-on in the daily lives of two brothers across the country from one another. For the last episode, click here.

[ Brotherly Love – Ep. 4]

7/22/11, 1:39am


As far as my newest hobby of trying to brew my own brew (I think that is a pun), I did think about the pool, but decided against it. My main concern was what to do with my 1991 water that I have spent countless money on to keep clean for 21 years now. Under NYS motor vehicle law, it is now considered classic water, and I only have another 79 years to go before I can declare it antique water. You need to keep on looking for where they are growing the Mary Jane. I know it is out there. Remember brand names like Califorina Gold. Talk soon.


 Will Jud realize that he in fact did not make a pun at all?  Why in the shit has he been saving water for 21 years? Where did he attend school and not learn to spell California???

Stay tuned for more adventures of Jud & Bill in our next episode of Check Your Email, Dude.


9 responses to “Check Your Email, Dude – Brotherly Love (Ep. 4)

  1. OMG….Im laughing because the one bro isnt getting the emails….Im waiting for the next batch to be “where are you”, “Are you ok?” “Did I do something?” “Have you spoken to Mom?” and of course “Did you get arrested for the pot?”

  2. LMAO! Is it me, or are these getting funnier as they go?

    Now, I may be way off base here, but I’m thinking this pool must be a pretty good sized above ground or in ground, for him to have kept that water since 1991, LOL… I only know this because I have vintage 2007 water in our pool. 🙂 Technically, it was filled in ’07, but I”m assuming that with the evaporation, displacement, partial drainage, and refill/rain, that very little of said water is still from ’07, LOL…

  3. Just too funny. 🙂

  4. I’m more interested to know what the brother’s email is – as yours is pretty iconic. And why would a guy have anything close to your email – it’s such a girl thang.

  5. Antique water. You know, in the right neighborhood, it could sell. I’ve watched people buy junk at impromptu flea markets without haggling.

  6. My only question is: Where is Mrs.J? FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY! WHERE IS SHE????

  7. Vintage water grows the best pot.
    Or so I’ve been told…

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