>To Believe ….from Gerald Simmons a member

Posted by By at 23 November, at 13 : 00 PM Print

>A message from Gerald Simmons to all members of Motivational Corner on StartupSpace!

To Believe…
By Unknown

To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning. It is to trust that miracles happen, and dreams really do come true.

To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds, To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart, The innocence of a child’s eyes and the beauty of an aging hand, for it is through their teachings we learn to love.

To believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us. When it is time to pick up the pieces and begin again.

To believe is to know we are not alone, That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it. To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen, And all our hopes and dreams are within reach.

If only we believe.

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