Hello Everyone:

Previewing the President’s Trip to Asia, Spring 2014

Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication and Speechwriting, Ben Rhodes previews the President’s trip to Japan, Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines.

April 23, 2014
On Board with President Obama in Japan

The president kicked off his trip on an informal note, joining JapanesePrime Minister Shinzo Abe at a famous Tokyo sushi restaurant with hard-to-come-by reservations and a hefty price tag of $300 for 20 pieces of Sushi. Obama and Abe greeted each other warmly outsideSukiyabashi Jiro, the underground sushi restaurant run by 88-year-oldJiro Ono.

The outing was unusually casual by Japanese standards and underscored the effort by both countries to strengthen the personal relationship between Obama and Abe

Barack Obama and Shinzo Abe enjoy an informal dinner 

APRIL 24, 2014

In Tokyo, the President was received at the Imperial Palace by the Emperor and Empress of Japan, the first U.S. President in 18 years.

President Obama held a press conference with Prime Minister Abe,visited students and robots at Miraikan Science and Youth Expo, saw Meiji shrine and attended a State Dinner with the Emperor and Empress at the Imperial Palace.

President Obama talks with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko 

at the Imperial Palace_Tokyo, Japan, April 24, 2014

Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, President  Barack Obama & 
National Security Advisor Susan Rice at the Bilateral Meeting with
Prime Minister Abe of Japan April 24, 2014
In the video clip below; see a humanoid robot that really moves and an archer demonstrates his skills while riding horseback.

President Obama at the Meiji Shrine with Caroline Kennedy, U.S. 
Ambassador to Japan & her husband Dr. Edwin Schlossberg 
watches an archer on horseback 
Tokyo, Japan_April 24, 2014 
“Chudayu Aiming with Deadly Precision”_
Samurai Artist_Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi_1848
Samurai:  Beyond the Sword
The Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) thur June 1, 2014
Did you know the Samurai were at the artistic center of culture?  

Cup Stand, lacquer, mother-of-pearl, wood_unknown Samurai Artist
Detroit Institute of Arts
Discover the artist behind the armor. 
Samurai: Beyond the Sword explores artworks that project the image of the samurai not only as fierce warriors but also as patrons of the arts and sophisticated artists and scholars.   DIA’s website
Next country on board with the president is South Korea.

Have a Good Day!

Camille Mitchell

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