The Rise and Fall of my Big Brother

Very funny story about my big brother, he is one of those kind of people, nothing bothers, everything, it’s like water off a ducks back, with him. Now where I am very slow to anger and the fire in me burns long, slow and builds over time. He will get angry in a flash, but once he vents, he’s over it.

He’s one of those that used to get angry, pick up his bike, throw it down, jump up and down on it when the chain came off or something. Me, I couldn’t understand that because it messed up the bike more, and only caused him more work, but once he blows up, blows off the steam it’s over, or when people say stuff about him, he don’t care, it’s water off a ducks back,,,

However, my bro never got over his childhood sweetheart. He’d never admit it, but I know my brother well, and people in general. He never married, nothing, Well after two marriages of hers, they got back together a few months ago. I saw them at the burial of my Uncles ashes today. LOL it’s like they were when they were teenagers, My brother who professes to hate the mushy romantic stuff, they are acting like they did when we were teenagers.

Very funny to me, if you only knew my’d understand! Of course I love my bro. with all my heart and I couldn’t be happier for them, but it does make me laugh!

He always said how he was never gonna get married cause he couldn’t or didn’t want to put up with the various issues of marriage. I knew it was cause he never got over her. LOL!! cracks me up!

He didn’t put the issues of marriage exactly, like I did either, what he said was something to the effect, he never met a woman that he could put up with, something along those lines. It is SOOO funny!

I get such a laugh out of it knowing him like I do, he never fooled me. I knew why he never got married, or had lasting relationships. I can’t tell you all how much I love and treasure my bro, he’s the best!

Anyway this is a post dedicated to him, them and their future happiness,,,Love you bro., hope it all works out for you both!

I’m gonna have to call him tomorrow and give him a hard time LOL!

As all brothers,, I can give mine a hard time and hassle him, but don’t ever say anything bad about him to me. Then I’d have to hurt you! 😉

A testament of the love, of the Lord Jesus
 A Further Testament of the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ as shown in my life
The Relationship Between a Man and Woman

Proud Hobbit and ornery cuss, R. Davis 2011

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