An Unwelcome Guest by Tammy Craft

An unwelcome guest lives in Katie’s life, as you may very well know.
Messing daily with her blood sugars, too many highs and awful lows.
Causing sleepless nights and sluggish days, and even fits of rage.
To keep this guest under control is very hard to gauge.

So 14 years have come and gone, and Katie has embraced her guest.
She’s traveled the world and gone to college with him, which has been no small quest.
Determined not to let him rule her life, was her goal right from the start.
Katie embraces each day with a smile on her face, and hope inside her heart!

In so many ways this unpredictable guest has shaped who she is today.
An inspired advocate and mentor, Katie’s an optimist in very way.
She works tirelessly with diabetic children, sharing her joy from coast to coast.
It really is a miracle ~ no doubt, she truly loves life more than most!

Just like daily blood sugars, mothers and daughters have their ups and downs, too.
Just remember your mom is your number one fan, she wants only the best for you.
So when she asks you to check your blood sugar, or change another pump site ~
What she really means is, “I love you, and I want you to sleep soundly tonight.”
Strong, resilient, independent and brave, your daughters are all of these things.
Your love and patience will help her grow, and soon she will spread her wings!

ImageKatie and Tammy rocking their art work at the Mother – Daughter Weekend


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2 Responses to An Unwelcome Guest by Tammy Craft

  1. Wendy geri says:

    What a beautiful poem and inspirational mother and daughter!

  2. Michelle says:

    Beautiful poem!

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