How to create a RRSP Rebate without MONEY…

If you are a “First Time Homebuyer” and if you do not have a downpayment together, and dont have rrsp’s but want a rebate this program although, Hairy, it’s a must do!

What we need to do is get you a 91 day RRSP Loan (interest only).  We borrow the funds then deposit them into a Money Market account.  Notice the account selected is a  ultra low risk account, we are not here for a return- only a piece of paper, because we are technically making a tax-deduction.

On the 91st day, notice I said 91st, not 89th. We Close the RRSP’s and pay off the Loan.  What we have done is generated a income tax rebate.

Dangers:  You better be in contract to have purchased a home.  Don’t do this without guidance.

Why? If you are in a 40% tax rate and you made a $25,000 contribution to your RRSP for 90 days, you have a write off generating you an income tax rebate for the upcoming tax year of ($25,000 *0.4)= $10,000.

If you have or dont have the resources this program is an excellent program to take advantage of.  I welcome you to contact me by phone or email with any questions that you may have.

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