Writing exercises are funtastic!

@GoblinWriter presented a great writing exercise on a guest post on @theaatkinson’s blog. Being a huge fan of writing exercises, I decided to write one myself. It involves an escape from a dungeon type location, using found items. So I wrote a story staring my urban occult heroine, Gretchen Fortunato, aka @gothic_nosering (yes, she has a real twitter account. How meta.) Trapped in an upscale suburban closet, she has a knitting needle, a cell phone, and the ghost of a show dog to make her daring escape.  Without further ado, I present Don’t Mess with the PTA

One thought on “Writing exercises are funtastic!

  1. Thanks for participating in the writing exercise! Hey, lots of characters have their own Twitter accounts. Cats and dogs too. 🙂

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